Douchebag Support Bands

shevek wrote:the pisser here is that more than likely this particular cretin is actually a member of Orion Pax without the balls to expose himself his such.

Uncle Ovipositor wrote:Sorry to hear you were so nervous at the show. Next time, imagine them all in their underwear. I hear that works.

hunterspeace wrote:I have heard that too, although I wonder if the result could be even more disastrous, if there was an attractive girl nearby, or worse, a out-of-shape, hairy guy.

Douchebag Support Bands

hunterspeace wrote:Well, it seems that you will all believe whatever you like, and you have little desire to discover whether this really was just a misunderstanding or not.

That being said, I wish you much luck with your music, as what I saw was entertaining; and hope that I will be able to see you again under better circumstances.

Like I said, what can you do? Such is life.
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

Douchebag Support Bands

hunterspeace wrote:Well, it seems that you will all believe whatever you like, and you have little desire to discover whether this really was just a misunderstanding or not.

I don't think anybody really cares if Orion Pax didn't like the other bands on the bill. It's just too much fun to make fun of christian closet cases who admit to liking both Dream Theater and Stavesacre.

And don't admit to liking naked hairy men.
steve albini
Electrical Audio
sa at electrical dot com
Quicumque quattuor feles possidet insanus est.

Douchebag Support Bands

Is PJ's Trick Shop still there?

That's funny.

(OT)I was driving down the the road the other day with the four year old-out doing some errands. We live in an area with quite a few adult orientated establishments. The boy is just starting to make out words on signs so i was planning my explanation for the "adult book store". I tried to trace in my memory the first time I was presented with an adult establishment when the above quoted store in the basement of wonderful randhurst came into my mind.

"Son, you can't go in that area"

btw...I dont think it is there anymore

Back on topic.

Yea, sometimes playing with other bands does suck.

Douchebag Support Bands

These new-english buttercups may be the biggest pieces of shit we've ever played with.

They had anvil cases for their merch, and not a one of them had the ass hair to even interact with the nice local people (played with them in Kearney, NE). They did, however, offer to add everyone at the show to their myspace...twice.

man- i hope no one thinks of my band this way.
No one is paying you to sit on that bed and cry.

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