so there's the sub-prime mortgage thing, credit in general being overextended, the person or organization who did the crazy billions-of-dollars options trade... i'm genuinely curious why a shitload of $3k Marshalls have popped up on eBay in the past month or two whereas before they were wayyyy less common.
if shit's gonna go south, now is the relative "sell high" time, so you'll have good selling prices now and have liquid cash to buy shit in 6 months or a year or whenever prices have dropped enough to make you happy...
anybody else have any indicators, or any other info to support my Marshall-selloff-means-coming-doom theory?
also, good indicators showing the opposite, that economic reality for America is gonna swing to the good side, please share those too. don't wanna look with blinders on.
collection of indicators that shit s gonna go down fall 07
1"The bastards have landed" - now has a couple songs from the new album - now has a couple songs from the new album