collection of indicators that shit s gonna go down fall 07

"opportunities" is the new "synergy"

a sure sign of impending economic doom is a new corporate consultant buzzword that asshat directors run around using like they invented it.

Amgen laid off a ton of people recently, thankfully (for my own selfish purposes) it was mostly in SoCal so it wont hit NorCal as hard as it could have. (potentially creating even more competition for the few good jobs in biotech/pharma here)

I feel for the Amgen peeps, I can't say where I work or what happens here... but anytime shit like that happens, ears perk up on the cube bunnies

collection of indicators that shit s gonna go down fall 07

scott wrote:no, newberry, I can't be more specific.

you can be as specific as you choose in contributing to this thread.

if you see signs of recession, or depression, or stagflation, or whatever neatly-labeled economic event you want to talk about, whatever you think is or is not on the horizon, then please talk about it.

I'm pretty ignorant when it comes to economics (and most things), but I've been reading lately about what's been happening in the U.S. in terms of foreclosures, mortgages, loans, and the stock market. My intention was not to challenge you, just to understand what you were getting at. Some financial pundits see things gloomy, others see it as a "correction" or otherwise part of the normal up and down cycle. I'm curious about your viewpoint, and/or anyone else's. I don't know enough about this subject to have a strong opinion.

Is this basically what you're getting at? ... refer=home

collection of indicators that shit s gonna go down fall 07

i've been feeling this for a long time. my whole life i've had dreams about wars and bombings in my home town, giant alien space ships hovering in the sky...

now i take antidepressants so i don't get obsessed with anxiety. but i still care. rick reuben's post the other day about the myster investor scares the shit out of me.

something's definitely going down. the politicians and media have pretty much turned the people of this country against one another. anyone see Fox News' obit on Kurt Vonnegut?

that's the work of a group of people who hate themselves and everyone around them.

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