mr.arrison wrote:I guess you have to start somewhere..
Quite true.
Moderator: Greg
mr.arrison wrote:I guess you have to start somewhere..
I find the reaction to this entire dog fighting case to be a frightening example of the worst kind of group-think: an unreflective mob-mentality run amok. I will not dwell on the various Internet postings that call for Vick to be lynched, beaten, or put in a phone booth with pit bulls. In less than five seconds of mouse-work, you too can buy a "Save a Pit Bull & Neuter Vick" T-shirt. They are easy enough to find since he Internet has always proven comfortable quarters for enterprising bottom feeding parasites.
I will also not harp on the sundry sports columnists using this opportunity to cluck about black athletes, "hip hop gangsta" culture, and what happens when you hold onto your "boyz." I think they speak for themselves. They are as predictable as a setting sun, their arguments and prose so mundane one wonders if they have a computer program where they enter key words like "gangsta", "hip hop", and "boyz" and just watch as the graphs spew themselves.
And I certainly do not wish to draw any unnecessary attention to Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia and the bizarre Senate floor speech in which he condemned Michael Vick to Hades, saying, "I am confident that the hottest places in Hell are reserved for the souls of sick and brutal people who hold God's creatures in such brutal and cruel contempt!" I am also way too classy to may hay out of the fact that Byrd's "youthful indiscretion" was joining the Ku Klux Klan, a group that used dogs on black people the same way people want dogs used on Mr. Vick.
Katha Pollit of the Nation has written that it says something positive about humanity that people are in an uproar about dogs and against the "poisoned narcissists" who make up the athletic community. I think it is the opposite. The humanization of the dog is the painfully ironic mirror image of the dehumanization of the rest of us. Just look at the world with semi-open eyes: How can we rally for the pit bull when one million Iraqis are dead and the US media barely yawns? How can we humanize dogs with such piety as Texas puts Kenneth Foster to death next week – puts him down like a dog for a murder all sides agree he didn't commit? How can we imbue dogs with "language" when the actual words of those calling for help in HIV ravaged Africa are being ignored by our government? How can we cheer violent sports, ignoring – or even celebrating - the mutilation of people's faces and voices, and weep over the pit bulls?
As Chicago Tribune columnist Rick Morrisey wrote, "Abuse your dog, and people howl. Smack around your girlfriend or face charges of sexually assaulting a woman and people shake their heads and roll their eyes." (link)
that was my reaction tonight as i saw the rows of michael vick jerseys in the atlanta falcons stadium.a frightening example of the worst kind of group-think: an unreflective mob-mentality run amok.
mr.arrison wrote:ah, morality.
thinking hard about this on my commute today after reading some Peter Singer.. isn't horse racing in the same neighborhood of cruel as dogfighting?
or how about standard fois-gras raising? industrial pig-farming?
interesting how humans can be so picky with their moral battles. I guess you have to start somewhere..
Hexpane wrote:This idea that people are misguided because of soldiers dying in Iraq or people jailed who are innocent is a bait and switch.
Dog fighting has been not a topic forever, finally this one of many heinous acts by humans gets a little press for a few weeks and the haters are all over it.
What about factory farms, hunting, since when are dogs more important than people etc... its a tired old deflection.
Relative debauchery is not the issue. You can make that same argument in ANY legal case in the news.
They did it w/ Scott Peterson. "Forget laci, what about the thousands of non whites who get killed every year"
That doesnt make the Laci Peterson murder any less brutal and that is not how the system works.
Its not a one or the other deal or no deal situation. Its not "protect the dogs, neglect the humans" who is brokering these deals? its a typical straw man tactic of cookie cutter devil's advocates preying on poorly worded sports journalism.
Because of bunch of hack sports journalists write bad articles about dog fighting and vick does NOT suddenly make being anti dog fighting wrong.
Pigs being brutalized in factory farms in no way lessens the plight of dogs. To suggest so is straw man at best, and at worst its nefarious dog hating "I told you so"
No one is saying or even remotely implying that rape and murder are less detestable than animal cruelty. But since the former are unfortunately much more commonly publicized in the American media, the shock of seeing the underbelly of dog torture rings is what has people up in arms. This issue has simply never spoken to the average American until now, and I for one think that this publicity is completely beneficial. It will generate some healthy activism in an area of society which has escaped our inspection for too long.Andrew wrote:Several others insist that animal cruelty is worse than, or on par with, human abuse because dogs are innocent. You imply that victims of rape, murder, and assault (generally women in the cases discussed) are less innocent somehow. This is fucked.
mr.arrison wrote:
Perhaps it's because pitbulls are dogs and dogs are PETS. And because Vick is a fucking sports star. It's a tabloid-level, Entertainment Tonight story that "touches your heart" but it's just as fucked up as 100 other things going on that receive no or little consideration by the mainstream media and the average american.
The only thing good about the whole ordeal is that it might make some people think. I can only hope.
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