Matt Drudge?

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Journalist : Matt Drudge (Caught Making Up The News Again)

CNN reporter Michael Ware this morning hit back at news aggregator Matt Drudge who accused him on Sunday of 'heckling' Republican Senators John McCain and Lindsay Graham in a Baghdad press conference. Video acquired by RAW STORY appeared to show a short press conference without any interruptions, and with Ware himself asking no questions during its question and answer session.

Drudge alleged on his website yesterday that Ware had heckled the Senators during a live press conference.

"An official at the press conference called Ware’s conduct 'outrageous,' saying, 'here you have two United States Senators in Bagdad [sic] giving first-hand reports while Ware is laughing and mocking their comments. I’ve never witnessed such disrespect. This guy is an activist not a reporter,'" according to Drudge's article, which has circulated heavily on the internet.

Still on Drudge's archives:
mccain heckled

raw story's coverage of ware's response

Drudge is a modern Roy Cohn.
The man who skyrocketed to fame serving up the dirt on Clinton during the Lewinsky sex scandal proves that like conservatives everywhere, he can dish it out but he can’t take it.

The gay web-editor allegedly killed a book deal that reported on the sex lives of Starr team special prosecutors, including his own and the little known Ann Coulter. I for one would like to thank Mr. Drudge for that . . . some things like Ann Coulter’s sex life are better just left alone.

While he seems to be strangely reticent about his own sexuality, he had no compunction in casting aspersions at Kerry and Edwards of all people for touching too much during the campaign. "Hugs, kisses to the cheek, affectionate touching of the face, caressing of the back, grabbing of the arm, fingers to the neck,” Drudge reported breathlessly, “John Kerry and John Edwards can't keep their hands off each other!”

Here’s how Buzzflash saw it: “Of course, the photos of Kerry and Edwards are just your standard political glad handing, arm-in-arm, patting-the-back stock-in-trade. Every politician engages in such gestures. If you assemble photos of Bush with other male politicians, he's a regular ‘touchy-feely’ kind of guy.

“So how can Drudge, an outed gay, post a totally slimy gay exploitative piece that doesn't even make any sense, in the context of run-of-the-mill male political body contact? Because, he's just another GOP slimeball hypocrite, that's why.

This guy's act that he's some muckraking investigative journalist without a party allegiance is the stalest act out there.

Journalist : Matt Drudge (Caught Making Up The News Again)

Redline wrote:It's a great site for other links, though. Why, just this morning I found THIS on Drudge.

That would be cool if it didn't (naturally) come from the Daily Mail, a 'newspaper' combining insidious reactionary vileness with vacuousity, sentimentality, xenophobia and supernatural nonsense.

In a list of worst things about Britain, I put the Daily Mail right at the top, and the other right-wing press just below it. They are directly responsible for so much hatred and shit and bitterness in this country.

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