dc baseball

Washington DC is a plague upon society. I feel fully justified saying this because of the way that the city is layed out streetwise. They stole the Bullets from Baltimore and then changed the name to the Wizards. They're now trying to undermine what little support the Orioles get by bringing a new team into the area. DC is also the premier originator of emo.
Better yet, eat the placenta!!!

dc baseball


My problem is really with what adding a stadium to DC is going to do to traffic. Southeast DC already gets slammed enough during rush hours, at least the parts of it that people aren't afraid to drive through, and living in Baltimore (which now boasts TWO stadiums, right next to one another, thankfully never in use simultaneously) I've seen what the addition of a stadium can do to people trying to get through the area without getting involved in game traffic. I also feel that without mass gentrification of the southeast area, a lot of would-be fans are going to be deterred from going to games and so gaining back the money the city will shell out to build the stadium will take longer than they project. And lastly, I fear that it will draw fanbase away from the Orioles which will serve as a detriment to Baltimore as well.

I am, however, all for sandwiches.
Rick Reuben wrote:You are dumber than week-old donuts.

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