Web Browser: Firefox?

Total votes: 6 (9%)
Total votes: 62 (91%)
Total votes: 68

Web Browser: Mozilla Firefox

Ok, it's official.

Firefox can lick my balls.

Even though people always talk about it, I've never used it. I've really had no reason to. I'm completely content with IE on my PC and Safari on my Mac.

Last week I was packing some ebay stuff in the basement which required my using my Mac. To have ebay run better or whatever they suggested I download Firefox. What the hell. So I download it and use it for ebay over the last couple days. It works fine, whatever, I don't really see what the big deal is.

THEN, just now I turned this computer on and thought I'd check in and see what you shitheads were up to. I accidentally opened up Firefox instead of Safari (been doing lots of ebaying, got used to it). Just like Safari, I type "electrical" in the address bar and hit enter.

Unlike Safari which automatically brings me here, Firefox took me here.

Fuck you Firefox. You're not as cool as you think you are.
drew patrick wrote:Peripatetic will win.

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