dc baseball
11What kills me about this is that PUBLIC funding will be used to build a stadium for the SOLE PURPOSE of watching overpaid athletes play a game that's best enjoyed by actually playing it yourself, with friends (and the occaisonal Rolling Stones or MacArtney concert, yawn). All this to the tune of a BILLION FUCKING DOLLARS. What else are people willing to spend a BILLION taxpayer dollars on? Public mass transit/rail? NO! Improved transportation infrastructure? NO! K-12 public schools? NO! Arts facilities and subsidies? NO! Decent artful architecture for public buildings? NO! Decent public housing for all the piss poor folks living there? NO! Museums? NO! But, sure, a BILLION FUCKING DOLLARS for a goddamn baseball stadium that'll be sure as shit to barely break even on year to year. Fuck professional baseball and fuck their stadium. For the shithole that DC is, they could certainly be spending a billion dollars on much, much better things than a goddamn stadium