Drawing thread (AKA an excuse to post flyers I ve drawn).

apl4eris wrote:
Boombats wrote:Nice. That owl is very reminiscent of Austin Osman Spare's drawings, but more "solid." But you probably knew that.

Thanks, Boombats. I hadn't heard of him before but just dug a little and wow, this guy is pretty intriguing... automatic drawing and everything. The "Sorceror" painting from 1905 really gets me. How did you run into his work?

I found Spare by reading Ramsey Dukes, Peter Carroll (Liber Null and Psychonaut) and a book on Crowley (Aleister Crowley and the Hidden God, Kenneth Grant). Basically Chaos magick etc.

I assumed you knew his work because of your username (Discordians being associated with Chaotes) and your artistic style. Perhaps you are channeling the Magus!

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