SM57 vs Senn E609 on distorted guitars

Did a rehearsal recording around Christmas. Engineer swears by the 609. We put it up, along with an Apex ribbon which I like to use. When we a/b'd them, it was decided that the 609 sounded like thin, annoying shit compared to the ribbon. That doesn't mean it sounds worse than a 57, of course. Hey, at least the 609 looks cool. Hope that helped.
Marsupialized wrote:The last time I saw her, she had some Jewish bullshit going on

ubercat wrote:You're fucking cock-tease aren't you, you little minx.

SM57 vs Senn E609 on distorted guitars

i always, always use a 421 with something else. i have tried 609s on a few sessions and they sounded like a crappy, thin version of the 421 and did not compliment the 421 at all. i never have much luck with 57s either. i prefer a 421 with my m500, a beyer m69 or an mxl 603s, actually.

i have also heard there are different types of e609s. is this true? i was told that one version is supposed to be far superior? maybe i've only heard/used the crappy one?

SM57 vs Senn E609 on distorted guitars

I've had very well respected engineers recommend the e609 to me in the past. A few years ago I had one. I was not blown away by it. But I now wish I still had it. When I first got it I put it up on a distorted cab and listened and thought it sounded "meh" not so great.

But now a days I put up multiple mics. Usually a Sm7, KSM32, SM57, and a ribbon. These can vary depending on what's up already and how I'm feeling that day. And I'll shoot it out quickly. I'll also shoot out mic pre's quickly. Yes this takes about fifteen minutes- but the client usually is cool with the extra time and probably feels special for all the hubhub I'm going thru to capture their "sound".

I find that this "taste test" helps me avoid using much if any EQ. So I kinda wish I hadn't got rid of that 609. I'm also lusting after a 201 for the same reason's.

PS I almost always prefer the Sm7 over the 57. I need to get some more large diaphram dynamics.

SM57 vs Senn E609 on distorted guitars

On my most recent recording I used Revox 3500, Beyer M260 and a E609 on the cab.
The 3500 and the M260 definetely sounded the best, especially combined. The E609 sounded a bit "meh" on it's own but added a little something something when blended in low with the other two.

I also tried a M201, but prefered the 3500. || reverb-drenched post-metal/doom/rock/waltz/yadayada. album out sep '08. || i record stuff too.

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