WTF is a Dumbleator and why is it 15k?

eliya wrote:I've hard about this dumble shit amps from a friend at work. what you're saying is really interesting. I would expect a life time warranty on a 15k amp. Now, if something went wrong with the amp, how is this dumble guy fixing it? i mean, if he's ungooing the amp, it would be destroyed.
btw, this friend from work heard those amps and he says they're nothing special.

I thought that this Dumble guy was already dead. Or no ? The high price was due to the fact there won't be anymore and there weren't many made in the first place. I dunno.

I do know that I would see a band called 'Unicorn Sperm' (unless they listed CocoRosie as a myspace friend).
Last edited by mkoren_Archive on Fri Sep 07, 2007 3:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Marsupialized wrote:The last time I saw her, she had some Jewish bullshit going on

ubercat wrote:You're fucking cock-tease aren't you, you little minx.

WTF is a Dumbleator and why is it 15k?

zom-zom wrote:From wikipedia:

A separate Dumblelator; buffered effects loop (a cathode-follower output with a triode gain stage for recovery), is recommended for using effects processors with a Dumble amplifier.

That doesn't smell like 15 grand to me. :?
Marsupialized wrote:The last time I saw her, she had some Jewish bullshit going on

ubercat wrote:You're fucking cock-tease aren't you, you little minx.

WTF is a Dumbleator and why is it 15k?

someone should take the "le" off these dumble amps.
then we'll be left with "dumb"
because paying so much money for an amp is dumb. these amps are simply for musicians like santana, people who have way too much money and not enough things to spend it on.
I also heard that it takes a year to this dumble guy to build an amp, and if you want to sell it afterwards, you gotta sell it back to him.

WTF is a Dumbleator and why is it 15k?

eliya wrote:someone should take the "le" off these dumble amps.
then we'll be left with "dumb"
because paying so much money for an amp is dumb. these amps are simply for musicians like santana, people who have way too much money and not enough things to spend it on.
I also heard that it takes a year to this dumble guy to build an amp, and if you want to sell it afterwards, you gotta sell it back to him.

I think he's either long-dead or just retired. A few minutes of internet research was inconclusive about this.
Marsupialized wrote:The last time I saw her, she had some Jewish bullshit going on

ubercat wrote:You're fucking cock-tease aren't you, you little minx.

WTF is a Dumbleator and why is it 15k?

I think he's still alive.
anyhow, with 15k amps, you wouldn't get that much work, that's why there's not much info about him on the net. besides, he's customers aren't bloggers or some people who are forum members, like you me and everybody else. I mean, we've never seen carlos santana writing on some forum. anyhow, this dumble guy can drop dead right now, it's just pissing me off, 15k amps?
btw, there's a company which is copying his amps. they're name is like tumble or something like that, the exact name slips off my head now.

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