eliya wrote:btw, there's a company which is copying his amps. they're name is like tumble or something like that, the exact name slips off my head now.
maybe Rumble. I know I've seen schematics websites that have listings for Rumble amps that said they were Dumble amps but they had to list them with another name because if they list them as Dumble then they get legal action against them or some such nonsense.
I say let the guy charge whatever he wants. if you allow him to think his time is worth $200 an hour (less than many attorneys) then $15k is only 75 hours of his time. Consider how many hundreds of hours he spent developing/designing the amps, and how many hours it takes him to build/test/tweak them before selling, and it's perfectly reasonable. besides, anybody can charge whatever they want. if it's more than the market will bear, they will sell zero amps. this guy is probably making exactly how many amps he wants to. good for him. how much does a wish bass cost?