WTF is a Dumbleator and why is it 15k?

mr.arrison wrote:I might go to the shop selling this Dumbleator today. You think the guy will let me play through it?

Maybe he will, but you aren't going to get much in the way of tone out of it if it's a Effects loop interface. --a $15,000 Effects loop interface at that!
"Fuck compose, Fuck melody, Dedicated to no one, Thanks to no one, ART IS OVER".
-Juntaro Yamanouchi

WTF is a Dumbleator and why is it 15k?

dont want to stir things up a bit, but i kind of understand what eliya is trying to say, that´s basically 'tone is in the fingers' and what once keith richards said: "gimme any guitar, any amp and 5 minutes and i will get my tone".

here in Uruguay (that was for me, scott?) it´s a bit similar. you go to a pub and they have solid state marshall and solid state fenders. valve stuff is expensive and more prone to breakage. yeah, some medium bands grab their own nice amps, but most small bands play with those. and each one sounds different, a bit shitey, but like themselves anyway.
so yeah, i'm a pussy.

WTF is a Dumbleator and why is it 15k?

Benny wrote:dont want to stir things up a bit, but i kind of understand what eliya is trying to say, that´s basically 'tone is in the fingers' and what once keith richards said: "gimme any guitar, any amp and 5 minutes and i will get my tone".

Style is in the fingers (and the brain) mostly, but can be influenced greatly by a particular guitar/amp combination. my 'tone' changes a lot with the amp. I'm using a Rick w/ single coils into a tube preamp into a Top Boost AC30 circuit, which produces tons of chimey high end shimmer. No other setup will give me that particular tone. Good and well chosen gear does indeed make you sound better and highlights your playing style..

WTF is a Dumbleator and why is it 15k?

thebugman wrote:
Benny wrote:dont want to stir things up a bit, but i kind of understand what eliya is trying to say, that´s basically 'tone is in the fingers' and what once keith richards said: "gimme any guitar, any amp and 5 minutes and i will get my tone".

Style is in the fingers (and the brain) mostly, but can be influenced greatly by a particular guitar/amp combination. my 'tone' changes a lot with the amp. I'm using a Rick w/ single coils into a tube preamp into a Top Boost AC30 circuit, which produces tons of chimey high end shimmer. No other setup will give me that particular tone. Good and well chosen gear does indeed make you sound better and highlights your playing style..

yes YES i know. of course that a twin sounds different than a jcm800 or a plexi or a ac30. it will make a difference and probably you will sound better with one and not with another. but you will still sound like *you*, your playing style is the bigger part of the equation. that's what i'm trying to say and (i think) eliya try to says.
the think is, good tone is very nice and i like to hear really good guitar sounds in a record, but it's not the most important thing and some people just like some practicity. how many awesome records are recorded with boss pedals, average guitars and your standard amp? some people are interested in tone and will pursue it, and that's awesome, and they *sound* better, but we are talking about sounds and tone, and is a small part of all the music creation process.
so yeah, i'm a pussy.

WTF is a Dumbleator and why is it 15k?

kerble wrote:
lemur68 wrote:
zom-zom wrote:I know several professional classical musicians who have paid well into the tens of thousands of dollars for violins, violas, cellos and again thousands for bows.

At the very least. Your world-class soloist guys own instruments worth six or even seven figures. Yo-Yo Ma owns a $2 million Stradivarius cello.

you mean the one HE FORGOT IN A CAB?

dip shit!

fuck. that's remarkable.
Michael Gregory Bridavsky

Russian Recording

WTF is a Dumbleator and why is it 15k?

There's two things about that story that are really interesting to me.

First off, of all the cab receipts I've ever gotten, which is quite a few, not once has there been anything to identify the exact cab number. Always just a generic receipt with the company's name, torn off a pad of blank receipts. And they always give it to me blank, and leave it up to me to fill it out. So to get a receipt with a cab number on it sounds weird.

Second, that's terrible use of taxpayer money! The cops had no business tracking that down for him. It wasn't stolen, it was left behind in error. There's no crime involved. I'm quite confident that if I left a guitar that was really expensive (to me) in the back of a cab cause I wasn't paying attention, the cops woulda told me to take care of it myself.
"The bastards have landed" - now has a couple songs from the new album

WTF is a Dumbleator and why is it 15k?

In NYC there is a electronic meter that had a digital read out this spits out a receipt if you want it for tax reasons at the end of your trip. In New York the cab id number is there and the taxi and limo number if you need to report the cabbie for ripping you off. I have been to other towns where things are more open and you get the pad receipt (or a couple of extras to pad your expense account)

Getting out of the cab if your instrument is in the trunk or whatever the cabbie can just drive away without you getting your stuff. It happens a lot. A guitar player I know got his guitar back in a similar incident.

The new cabs will supposedly have like cash machines where you can use a debit or visia card and will have geopositioning info so the cab company can tell the location of the cab.

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