Keth Moon: Drummer of thunder?

Total votes: 3 (7%)
not crap
Total votes: 41 (93%)
Total votes: 44

Drummer: Keith Moon

they're both fucking cool and have their own unique badass styles.

i would normally say keith moon. but, after hearing that led zep live 3xcd and how bonham added little things here and there live gives him some more points.

i guess it comes down to which band i'm listening to more at the time. hmm, i 'll say keith moon.

i wish someone could calculate the amount of alcohol both these guys consumed.

Drummer: Keith Moon

Bonham was sort of the Platonic ideal, the rock drummer that underlies most of rock and who will never quite be equaled (Trainer and Grohl have come the closest, in my opinion). That monstrous kick drum always one millisecond away from coming in late--that's the defnintion of heavy.

But nobody even tries to sound like Keith Moon. What he did was just too weird. It was like he was always playing a fill, even when he wasn't. Somehow he held the songs together (having a rhythm guitarist like Townsend helped), but it's like alchemy--you can never figure out quite how he's doing it. The breathtaking moment that pops into my head is when the drums come in at the end of the synth breakdown in "Won't Get Fooled Again." The only thing I can compare it to is tha moment in Shellac's "Wingwalker" when Trainer kicks the ryhthm back in after the "I'm a plane!" breakdown.

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