favorite movie scenes

oh man, Arachnaphobia-- first the part where Jeff Daniels is trapped under the wine shelf and the general spider is lowering itself down onto him, that "batter up!" part where he hits 'em with the wine bottle... I had to rewind that part like five times. All the way across the room, nice satisfying thwack.

Then when he fucking shoots the flaming spider with the nailgun and it impales him in the air and crucify's him on the egg sack... oh shit.

Bottlerocket -- when Dignan is getting the shit kicked out of him in the bar and is frantically making "the signal" (ca-caw! ca-caw!) and Anthony is just sitting outside being jealous of some spanish-speaking dude.

favorite movie scenes

caix wrote:The scene from Caddyshack where Carl is holding a pitchfork and telling a story about driving the Dali Llama in his taxi.

i think you are getting stripes and caddyshack scenes mixed together.
carl is talking about when he caddied for the dallly Llama his self, twelth son of the Llama.
peri wrote:The gfirl just emailed me, "I've never had any desire to eat a scotch egg'.

I guess she gonna go hungry tonight

favorite movie scenes

The heist in Rififi.

The marionettes coming to life in Fanny & Alexander.

Bibi Andersson's confession to Liv Ullman re: her affair on the beach in Persona.

In Yi Yi, when the father and his old lover are reminiscing about their courtship while his daughter undergoes a similar courtship. This movie actually has several scenes that come to mind. Exquisite and underseen.

The heartbreaking and terrifying end of Before Sunset.

When the plane strafes Cary Grant in North by Northwest.

The look on Jack Lemmon's face in The Apartment when Shirley McLaine takes out her compact.

The Nazi cycling around the perimeter of the POW camp toward the end of A Man Escaped.

I could go on and on.
My grunge/northwest rock blog

favorite movie scenes

This has to be one of my personal favorites...

Man, that is vile stuff.


Last two minutes of The Long Good Friday.

Travis eating "cereal" (bread soaked in peach schapps and sugar) and later kicking the television over in Taxi Driver.

Ramrod threatening homeless lady with a cigarette lighter in Vice Squad.

Meeting with the boss in Lost in America ("Your song stunk and I could hurt you!").

The ceiling hallucination, and Carole walking the streets in a daze in Repulsion.

The bank heist, and Max handcuffing his parole officer to a fence in Straight Time.

favorite movie scenes

Wood Goblin wrote:Bibi Andersson's confession to Liv Ullman re: her affair on the beach in Persona.

did you see the dvd extra about how she had to rewrite that speech to make it sound like something a woman would actually say? apparently ingmar's version was a bit off, with phrases like "big bush" and stuff...
jimmy spako wrote:jeff porcaro may be gone but his ghostnotes continue to haunt me.

favorite movie scenes

From Werner Herzog movies:

The weird game the blind dwarfs play in Even Dwarves Started Small, which I think includes a dead chicken being pecked at by his feathered friends.

The scene in Fitzcarraldo where old Fitz is heading down the rapids with only Enrico Caruso for company. Man, that film is full of breathtaking scenes.

Kasper Hauser's dream sequence. So sad. So beautiful.

The first scene of Woyzeck, as the credits are running. The fact that it's slightly sped up sets the weird manic tone for the whole film.

The beginning of Aguirre and the end of Stroszek.


The first graveyard scene in The Royal Tenenbaums. Say what you want about Wes Anderson, but there's something about the way the characters are tracked in this scene which is masterful.

The first fifteen minutes or so of Suspiria contain many of my favourite setpieces/scenes.

The bit in The Thin Red line where Nick Nolte's character talks about reading Homer at point. And the scene when they take the Japanese camp.

The scene in Badlands where they go to that big house and play at being rich for awhile. With the deaf maid and whatnot.

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