galanter wrote:Here is what I previously posted elsewhere on this board:galanter wrote:A couple hundred charges is a very conservative estimate. Keeping in mind that the Jone's camp claims the vertical beams were neatly cut into 30 foot sections, lets call that 3 stories. Lets say the towers were 100 stories tall. Lets say the core had 30 beams. (I can't remember the exact numbers here).
Thats 2 buildings times 30 beams times 33 sections...or 1980 cuts. And that's just the core beams. The Jones camp seems to say there were also charges on the outer walls of the building when they point out "squib" puffs of smoke in the videos.
Thermite charges would have to be pressed up against the girders to do their work. This would require ripping apart walls, placing explosives, and then (presumably) fixing the walls to hide the charges. And then there is the matter of fuses. Would they run from floor to floor? Or are there a set of fancy radio controlled sequential triggers? (And recall the problems emergency workers had getting radio reception).
Could the above be done without anyone noticing?
Who knows? But how's this as an alternative:
Highly secretive military intelligence organisation (Military Industrial Complex types and Oil type buddies including prominent members of current Government (Dick Cheney at least). They do exist.) decide they want an excuse to cause war and reduce civil rights at home (been done before in various places and documents express desire for such an event to take place).
To do so they use 'former' CIA asset and member of oil rich family Usama Bin Laden (we know he was and it's not a stretch to think he still was then. It's circumstantial but there were reports of intelligence contact with him There's also the curious fact of his family being shipped out before questioning)). Plan is to get Bin to organise an attack on US soil (maybe they suggest attack on Trade Towers, maybe Bin Laden and chums come up with idea on their own). Secretive intelligence organisation decides to assist in what way they can. Note: only Bin Laden would need to know of the connection to Highly Secretive Intelligence Organisation.
Plan set in motion for hijacking of planes to fly into twin towers and date decided. Highly Secretive Organisation etc organises training exercises for the set date to assist by causing maximum confusion and providing groundwork for cover story. Note: very few people would need to know why that date was set for exercises. Maybe only one person.
Any attempts at investigation into terrorist organisation seem to be thwarted from above (evidence for that) and terrorists involved are helped into the country (evidence for that).
Day comes and planes fly. If there are bombs in buildings (presuming you consider the official theory plausible) then they only need to be on floors where planes hit. Let's be generous and say they're in the basement too. How many need to be involved with that?
Not as many as your 1000s of charges theory. But it's plausible - or the official one isn't.
They might need security access but brother of potential perpetrator is head of towers security firm so...
Presuming any intelligence service might need to conduct their operation from somewhere - Building 7 is a candidate. It is set to explode and does. Burying evidence.
Member of highly secretive organisation gives stand down order allowing plane to not be shot down before hitting Pentagon.
After the fact an orgy of evidence is presented (some, frankly, ludicrous) to nail a desired enemy (not implausible. Pigs have been doing it since there's been pigs) allowing for invasion of foreign nations for Oil (hardly a unique event) and Heroin (see CIA involvement in drug running since the 70s)
Investigations are hampered and commissions rigged and also hampered by authorities (surely not implausible) .
Authorities who happen to be potential perpetrators.
Note the above doesn't say anything about switching planes (though it might require remote control of them (not impossible - if the most tenuous part of this explic.) It doesn't require hundreds or thousands in the know (it doesn't even require all the hijackers to know they were going to their deaths). It doesn't require missiles into the Pentagon and it doesn't require thousands of explosive charges.
It leaves out some parts (Flight 93 - possibly as we're told - possibly shot down. Neither implausible) but is enough, I think, to see that it is not entirely implausible and is enough considering I realise I'm wasting my time typing this.
Note: I'm not saying this is what happened - but it is plausible.
As plausible (if not more so) than the official tale. Even if you take the explosives part out you still have a plausible tale of how a highly secretive military intelligence organisation could have been involved. There are enough 'coincidental' connections and events and possible motivations for eyebrows to be, at the very least, raised.
Certainly more plausible than a fucking flying Spaghetti monster (and you have the gall to criticise other people's use of logic!)
Anyhow, carry on.