Which is your favorite Urei/Universal Audio gear

1176 Blue Stripe (No votes)
1176 Silverface (No votes)
1176 Blackface
Total votes: 3 (50%)
Total votes: 3 (50%)
LA-3a (No votes)
LA-4 (No votes)
Total votes: 6

LA2, LA3, LA4 differences

Blackface 1176's are fat as hell.. La2's are tubey sounding slow responce good for snares and such ... La3's are cool and La4's have more knobs... haha.. well, the La4's sound good, but their not are easy to use of course, you have to dial in 'your sound' as apposed to the La2's having their sound, the la4's you have the timing options where the la2's you just have peak reduction and gain ... But the 1176's deff are the fattest sounding in my mind..

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