
Total votes: 11 (37%)
Total votes: 16 (53%)
TV is a waste of time
Total votes: 3 (10%)
Total votes: 30

TV Show: Scrubs

first two seasons were better. however, dr. cox and the old guy make me laugh. cox's rants with his ex are funny, john c mcginley is a favorite actor of mine (see many an oliver stone film), and the girl who plays elliot, while too skinny, still make tingle in certain parts; i can explain why.

overall, not crap, case of eggos, whole wheat (i like 'em better).
To me Steve wrote:I'm curious why[...] you wouldn't just fuck off instead. Let's hear your record, cocksocket.

TV Show: Scrubs

I watch this show more than I should. I've only caught re-runs on Comedy Central so I can't comment on which season sucked more.

WF: I used to despise the goofball humor mixed with the serious message stuff when Braff would ponder the death of a patient or somesuch nonsense. Now I don't seem to mind it.

TV Show: Scrubs

Had a girlfriend who loved this show. The whole thing of taking the visual language of commercials and making it the show's style worked for me once in a while, made it grating other times. Everyone does their one thing, over and over again (maybe this is what sit-coms are about). I liked John McGinley's one thing.

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