What Are You Listening To Right This Second?

Cranius wrote:'Just Like an Aborigine' by Up, from the Guitar Army CD. I hadn't heard of them before today.

I'd love to hear the Up. If you want the dirt on all those obscure Detroit bands, check out Grit, Noise, and Revolution (I forget the author), an excellent history of rock in the Motor City. Also, if I haven't ripped Michigan Brand Nuggets or Michigan Rocks for you, remind me to next time around.
dontfeartheringo wrote:I need people to act like grown folks and I just ain't seeing it.

What Are You Listening To Right This Second?

Brett Eugene Ralph wrote:
Cranius wrote:'Just Like an Aborigine' by Up, from the Guitar Army CD. I hadn't heard of them before today.

I'd love to hear the Up.

If you haven't already been directed there, check out the link above - at the bottom of the page you can sample their wares. It looks like quite a cool blog, actually.

Checking out other posts, there looks like there's some live Kiss stuff on there amidst a lot of other ephemera. Pages Zom-Zom. On the same page, there is what appears to be a couple of perversely bad Elvis albums on there.
Having Fun With Elvis on Stage is considered by many critics to be the worst live album Elvis or anyone else has ever put out. This is because there were no song performances on it, only tape byplay recorded between songs - Elvis telling jokes, requesting a drink of water, and demonstrating eleven different ways to pronounce "Memphis."

Edit for accidental faux-pas: aiiiyeee!
Gib Opi kein Opium, denn Opium bringt Opi um!

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