WTF is a Dumbleator and why is it 15k?

I find it hard to believe that every single taxi in all of Australia has a meter with a printer. Hard to believe. The entire country?

Chicago doesn't have meter printouts. As endofanera points out, DC doesn't even have meters. Boston doesn't have printouts, as of last time I took a cab there, maybe a year or two ago.

That's pretty awesome that NYC could manage to get printers into the sixty million cabs or however many it is they have. Impressive, I mean.
"The bastards have landed" - now has a couple songs from the new album

WTF is a Dumbleator and why is it 15k?

Scott - in New York you have to buy a "Medallion" to drive a cab there is a restricted number of them and they go for about 200K. So most of the cabs are subcontracted 24 hours a day and must operate within restrictions made by the city - Taxi and Limousine Commission (like it is illegal for cabs not to pick up black people - and they ticket you if you don't). This is because if we did not have meters the cabbies would commit extortion and over charge. I think perhaps Chicago cabbies are more honest ?

The city regulates the max fee from the airports to each boughs. The meters are required as is a special hack license, and emergency light on the back of the cab for robberies.

The DC system of "zones" has always been kind of mystifying to me. The subways to me seem to be designed for a Sylvester Stallone movie. You always end up going through more zones than you should (if you are from out of town). The cabs seem pretty unregulated.

The cabs I have taken out of the country in cities seem to use some version of what we have in new york.

Chicago may be behind the times on this but I would like to think of it as more wild west. Philly, Boston and Baltimore are the same a Chicago.

Present Meter - Used since the 1980's


This is the new meter that is being installed this year. GPS


Bladerunner style

WTF is a Dumbleator and why is it 15k?

dumble amps are nothing special. Even from amp to amp, there's very few things that make one amp that different from another. In reality, one of the biggest things you can change is the EQ section. Almost every other part of an amp is the same from one amp to another. The differences are usually attributed to tube type, speaker, transformer, etc.

One thing though, if you know about electronics you can make most amp sound good, if you know what it's missing or has too much, and how to compensate for that. I've got a homebuilt amp which is basically a traynor yba-2 which has been modified to sound how I want it to sound. I'm sure it sounds different than a yba-2, but I could get a yba-2 to sound like it (or really really close) if I wanted to.

I mean, I've played through crates (tube amps), marshalls, sovteks, mesas, sound citys, voxes, musicmans, oranges, blackface fenders, etc... They've all got their own character and there was almost always something I liked about each one, but sometimes you need to become accustomed to a certain amps' behavior because you can't always do the exact same things with each one. At the end of the day I like my sound city a lot because it's super clean, and I can get it dirty. At the other end, I really like the amp I built because it's a lot quieter and has a lot of character and more gain, somewhere between the fender shimmer and a marshall crunch, and it sounds good with guitar, bass, and baritone.

I think spending a shitload on a dumble amp is still retarded though.

So he's got a flexible EQ, big fuckin deal. I doubt the man winds his own transformers, etc. There's only so many places you can get electronic parts from, especially at "Limited" quantities.

If you are a musician with a shitload of money, sure you might want a dumble for whatever reason. I think most people don't give a fuck.

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