TRAYNORetcALERT- The " Look What s on Ebay" Thread

Post things you've discovered on Ebay or elsewhere that PRFers may be interested in. I suggest that this NOT be for selling/trading your own gear, but for sharing your random discoveries that others may benefit. LMK if I have worded the title improbperly and I'll change it to reflect the deepest intimate desires of the P.R.F.

Today I see a Traynor YGM-3 all-tube combo in Newburgh, NY. Current bid is $168.25 and it's got less than 3 hours left.
Last edited by Boombats_Archive on Fri Sep 14, 2007 4:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.

TRAYNORetcALERT- The " Look What s on Ebay" Thread

as you can see in the guy's photos, it's actually a YGM-3 (no such thing as a YM-3).

mid/late 70's version after Pete was starting to be out of the picture (if not completely, by then). not as desirable as the early 70's, which are not as desirable as the late 60's amps.

this amp may or may not work properly. it's also *super* heavy.

I would say it should sell for maybe $300, tops, maybe less.
"The bastards have landed" - now has a couple songs from the new album

TRAYNORetcALERT- The " Look What s on Ebay" Thread

I have one of these, but it is maybe a 1977 and the controls are in french. the speaker sucked, had to be replaced (i chose a jensen reissue). also needed new tubes and caps.

However, once I did this, this thing is a great, if not ugly and heavy amp.

Sounds similar to a Fender Super Reverb with the reverb on 4. Turn it up to 10 and it gets totally lost in caverns of shimmer.

Surprisingly, with bass guitar this amp sounds great at low volumes. Fender P-Bass, Beans or Electricals through an Xotic Bass RC Booster directly into this amp on 1 sound great recorded- and for practicing too. Crunchy, deep and bright without being muddy. It takes a proper bass tube amp to get at ear-oxidizing levels to sound as good.

I like it. Wish it were smaller.

TRAYNORetcALERT- The " Look What s on Ebay" Thread

PEPPER! wrote:
mr.arrison wrote:I like it. Wish it were smaller.

I found a '79 last year that I feel the same way about. I swapped the speaker out for a vintage 30 and haven't turned it up past 3 since.

I also think this is a good idea for a thread. Here's one for you handy-men (and ladies):

non-working solid-state combo that would be really great if it worked, for peanuts

There's a spectra head at a music store down thw road from my work that looks kinda cool.

no idea how it sounds though.
It's Too Late For Logic

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