comsat angels

Total votes: 4 (12%)
not crap
Total votes: 29 (88%)
Total votes: 33

band: comsat angels

I am curious about this band because they had (early on) several records that I thought were remarkable, specifically their first couple of singles, a compilation track, and then their first couple of albums.

This may sound far-fetched, but initially they reminded me of an English version of Pere Ubu: abstract lyrical threads, non-standard guitar playing, excellent drumming, excellent foundation bass lines and synthesizer noises that seemed unrelated to the rest of the music.

They then degenerated into a standard mid-eighties new-wavy pop band that I couldn't say were remarkable in any way.

So I'm waffling, :WF:7 but I say not crap, because when I think about them, I think about liking them.

steve albini
Electrical Audio
sa at electrical dot com
Quicumque quattuor feles possidet insanus est.

band: comsat angels

steve, yes, you are right about it all up thru the mid-80s. ubu is a good corollary, though they were less yawpy and more passionate than ubu, which isn't to say any better or worse. and i like pere ubu a lot.

also, comsats actually degenerated into a bad band by the time they made the album under the name 'dream command' (picture the haircuts that go along w/that name)

but, in addition to the first two-n-a-half albums, they have the following going for them:

_my mind's eye_--their comeback record of, oh, 94 or so. i don't even know if it's any good, i like it so much. similar to _the facts of life_ by black box recorder in that respect.

_time considered as a helix of semi-precious stones_. their bbc sessions. kinda stunning for the first fifteen or so tracks, kinda not good at the very end. all in all, the band at its best, and enough proof in and of itself that they are not crap.

quite a similar arc to the psychedelic furs

band: comsat angels

Not Crap.

_Waiting for a Miracle_ and _Sleep No More_ are better than _Unknown Pleasures_ and _Closer_, if that means anything to you.

But then they started to sound horrible. That whole label thing, maybe. But "Alicia" on _Land_ is an example of a good song they wrote that they played wrong.

See also: Joel RL Phelps and the Downer Trio's version of "Lost Continent." It sounds gay on _Chasing Shadows_, but not on _Blackbird_.

band: comsat angels

Yes, I would say most definitely not crap, but then I just ignore the crap aspects of their career. I also love this "My Mind's Eye" album, even though it is not so weird or inspired as the first few records. But I have actually desired to listen to it more often than the first few! Does that mean it's better? wtf?!!

band: comsat angels

>>I also love this "My Mind's Eye" album, even though it is not so weird or inspired as the first few records. But I have actually desired to listen to it more often than the first few! Does that mean it's better? wtf?!!

yes, it's strange and wonderful in that way

it's a rather inviting record--it takes the brain out of the equation somehow

it pushes the right buttons and you like it, even though you kinda feel like your buttons are being pushed

band: comsat angels

meant to say

There was a time(mid 80's) when you used to see their stuff in cut-out bins. They were described as funky which had me thinking Shriekback and a prejudice was born.

most of their shit is about ten times better than shriekback. it's better than anything talking heads ever did. i don't know that i agree that they ever trumped joy division, but they were in that league at times.

don't buy _land_ or _seven day weekend_ or the dream command record. these are not good albums.

don't buy _chasing shadows_ unless you buy and love these other records, which are, in order of my preference:

_time considered..._ (aforementioned bbc seshs--great liner notes)
_waiting for a miracle_ (first alb)
_sleep no more_ (2nd alb)
_my mind's eye_ (comeback alb)
_fiction_ (third alb--starting to slip, but probably better than any echo and the bunnymen or cure album)

as mentioned, _my mind's eye_ is a fetching record and might rate one or two spots higher. it depends on whether you tip towards 'angstful spareness' or 'ecstatic whooshing' on the postpunk seesaw. i can go either way myself.

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