Christopher J. McGarvey wrote:Go suck Paul McCartney's junk wrote:These fuckers need their empty little heads bashing together in a bus crash. Fake love vibes, hollow happiness; they're the new M People. I'm sure there are lots of adverts just waiting to give these twat songs the perfect home, if they haven't already. The Go! Team is not a band, even. It's one man from Brighton in his thirties surrounded by a bunch of ready-retro fucks filling up the rest of the stage, with a whore singer who seems so fresh out of stage school her fake smile hasn't turned bitter at the corners yet. I hate everything this non-band stands for, if it stands for anything at all.
The Go! Team can Go! fuck themselves.
I am guessing you haven't seen these cunts live in concert. Do that and get back to me. If you're not too busy lubing up your dog's tight little ass.