Once more, with feeling!

Total votes: 15 (79%)
Total votes: 4 (21%)
Total votes: 19

[" Film" ] Garden State

elmofreech wrote:Scrubs is...a show for women.

do you have something against women? why would you say something so nasty?

and then say something as faggy as this:

The Garden State soundtrack was really cool. Lots of different bands with the same hushed plinky plink acoustic vibe. A solid compilation that I never minded selling to the customers at my store.

[" Film" ] Garden State

kenoki wrote:
elmofreech wrote:Scrubs is...a show for women.

do you have something against women? why would you say something so nasty?

and then say something as faggy as this:

The Garden State soundtrack was really cool. Lots of different bands with the same hushed plinky plink acoustic vibe. A solid compilation that I never minded selling to the customers at my store.

hey, you're right! I'm an asshole.

The only Scrubs fans I know are women. That's all I meant. It's a cute and quirky show.

[" Film" ] Garden State

I gotta weigh in on this one...

While I agree there were definitely some silly scenes (someone mentioned the yelling one, I wholeheartedly agree), largely it was a pretty good film. (Although I did like someone's suggestion to grab Nat Portman's ass at the end, I mean who wouldn't do that?)

The thing that gets me is the undercurrent of snobbery I detect in some (not all) of the posts...for example, someone mentioned Nick Drake, a guy who tons of people thought was cool until the VW ad, and people started finding about him, at which time everyone who liked him before stopped listening to him in the name of not liking something that was popular.

What I'm getting at is that a lot of armchair film critics rag on this, because it was put out by a major studio, and had a very succesful soundtrack because they were able to put up the dollars for the rights to really cool songs...but if this movie had been put out by some tiny company and didn't have well-known actors, a lot of the people to claim to have hated it would be singing its praises; all the while patting themselves on the back for liking a neat film that only them and their friends know about. it's the same thing that happens with indie bands that over time enjoy slightly more success than their initial fan base is comfortable with...all of a sudden they're uncool because in the eyes of the self-appointed experts, the wrong people like it and hence no one cool must be seen liking it, lest some other cool person see them and think they're one of the uncool idiots.

in other words, it's OK to like something if you think it's good, even if it's popular...the cool police won't come and take away your membership card and copy of spiderland. sometimes i wonder if the indie rock people aren't just as insecure as the people they make fun of, considering the wierd set of self-imposed rules they seem to live by.

[" Film" ] Garden State

echo wrote:I gotta weigh in on this one...

While I agree there were definitely some silly scenes (someone mentioned the yelling one, I wholeheartedly agree), largely it was a pretty good film. (Although I did like someone's suggestion to grab Nat Portman's ass at the end, I mean who wouldn't do that?)

The thing that gets me is the undercurrent of snobbery I detect in some (not all) of the posts...for example, someone mentioned Nick Drake, a guy who tons of people thought was cool until the VW ad, and people started finding about him, at which time everyone who liked him before stopped listening to him in the name of not liking something that was popular.

What I'm getting at is that a lot of armchair film critics rag on this, because it was put out by a major studio, and had a very succesful soundtrack because they were able to put up the dollars for the rights to really cool songs...but if this movie had been put out by some tiny company and didn't have well-known actors, a lot of the people to claim to have hated it would be singing its praises; all the while patting themselves on the back for liking a neat film that only them and their friends know about. it's the same thing that happens with indie bands that over time enjoy slightly more success than their initial fan base is comfortable with...all of a sudden they're uncool because in the eyes of the self-appointed experts, the wrong people like it and hence no one cool must be seen liking it, lest some other cool person see them and think they're one of the uncool idiots.

in other words, it's OK to like something if you think it's good, even if it's popular...the cool police won't come and take away your membership card and copy of spiderland. sometimes i wonder if the indie rock people aren't just as insecure as the people they make fun of, considering the wierd set of self-imposed rules they seem to live by.

I disagree, if Garden State was put out by a small indie, it would still be vacuous shite.

[" Film" ] Garden State

echo wrote:What I'm getting at is that a lot of armchair film critics rag on this, because it was put out by a major studio, and had a very succesful soundtrack because they were able to put up the dollars for the rights to really cool songs...but if this movie had been put out by some tiny company and didn't have well-known actors, a lot of the people to claim to have hated it would be singing its praises; all the while patting themselves on the back for liking a neat film that only them and their friends know about. it's the same thing that happens with indie bands that over time enjoy slightly more success than their initial fan base is comfortable with...all of a sudden they're uncool because in the eyes of the self-appointed experts, the wrong people like it and hence no one cool must be seen liking it, lest some other cool person see them and think they're one of the uncool idiots.

Actually, the reason why I started this thread in the first place was because there aren't a lot of armchair critics who rag on it, I've been to a lot of places and it's universally praised everywhere I go. If you have a have Myspace, Facebook or whatever, do a search for "Garden State" in favorite films and you'll probably become sick with the amount of results that pop up.. I know I have. Chairman_Hall was right, if this had been released by a smaller company, even with a competent cast of unknowns, it would still be a vacuous piece of garbage. When it was first described to me, the particular reference point for funny was where he gets the shirt his mom made for him that is simply a print of the wallpaper behind him; a completely banal joke that tried to pass itself off as something "high-brow" I imagine.

in other words, it's OK to like something if you think it's good, even if it's popular...the cool police won't come and take away your membership card and copy of spiderland.

I am fairly certain there's an informal fallacy being employed here but I had to drop out of my Logic class so I am at a loss. Regardless, I find it very tiresome to see people be accused of being part of some shadowy, indie-elite ruling class that dislikes something simply because it's "popular" therefore against the "spirit" of whatever the fuck it means to be cool these days; to throw in the snide Slint comment just makes it more nauseating. I think we should all come to an agreement not to use such irritating rhetoric when arguing for something when a majority is against it.. please?

[" Film" ] Garden State

Chromodynamic wrote:I think we should all come to an agreement not to use such irritating rhetoric when arguing for something when a majority is against it.. please?

No doubt. There must be some sort of Godwin's Law variation that states you automatically lose an internet argument when you play the "you only hate this thing because it's popular, you indie snob" card.

Hell, i didn't even know this movie had major studio backing, although i guess it makes sense. It played in Milwaukee at the local hot shit arthouse theater, which usually plays pretty great indie stuff, so i assumed it was pretty great indie stuff until i actually tried watching it. ZzzzZZZZzzz.

Marsupialized wrote:Thank you so much for the pounding, it came in handy.

[" Film" ] Garden State

I've actually decided to trump the whole popularity argument further and state I love Garden State, but only in an ironic and sarcastic fashion.

And, maybe, secretly, I really love it, but have to act like I only love it sarcastically because somebody'll take my precious copy of Spiderland away. Then, I might have to go to my local music retailer and procure another copy if I so care to, along with the soundtrack to Garden State that my friends and I will all laugh at.

But what if I'm showing sarcasm and my friends say, "oh, but you play the role a little too well..."

Then I'll be so busted :oops:
You call me a hater like that's a bad thing

Ekkssvvppllott wrote:MayorofRockNRoll is apparently the poor man's thinking man.

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