Hey now! I just heard Hum in a Cadillac commercial!

ok, former indie rockers are getting jobs at car companies writing ads.

It was only about 8 seconds worth, but still it was from "Stars" - the first time I heard it I was half asleep, I sat up and THOUGHT I saw a Cadillac logo on the screen.. but I didn't have my glasses on so I wasn't sure.

Tonight, it was on again during CSI Miami. Yup.. Cadillac and Hum. I guess I can't blame them, I always thought they deserved a bigger payday than they got.. but still it's weird and kinda creepy, it makes me feel old. I think their last major ad campaign featured Led Zeppelin..

Hopefully some yungins will hear that and go "Damn that rocks" and Google it and buy some Hum albums. I can't say I'm a huge fan of the message of the commercial (When you turn the car on, does it return the favor?), but hey.. what are you gonna do.


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