Greatest Albums Ever

Korloin wrote:I don't know if i'd say "Greatest Album Ever", but Bubbelgum by Mark Lanegan has been in heavy rotation at my house since it first came out.

I think I'm probably just a sucker for the throaty vox sprinkled with a bit of PJ over a sea of fat dirty bass lines though.

same here. it also came out at the right time where there wasn't much really exciting me. i didn't know you could fall in love with a record to the same degree as you do when you're a young punter, but here we are, with this one getting more plays than a lot of new shit i buy. the "weird chill" ep is equally as great with "message to mine" being one of the greatest songs ever.
Currently: Clean Shaven Rock

Greatest Albums Ever

The Stooges "Fun House" is arguably one of the finest records ever made in my opinion.

Other favorites:
Nirvana "In Utero"
MC5 "High Time"
Rolling Stones "Exile on Main Street"
AC/DC "Highway to Hell"
Led Zeppelin "Physical Graffiti" (for disc one alone)
Muddy Waters "Electric Mud"
The Beatles "Abbey Road"
Television "Marquee Moon"
Ramones "s/t"

Greatest Albums Ever

Shellac-At Action Park

I know that seems like such a lame, ass-kissing answer considering the forum we're on but I really feel that way about this record. After all of these years I still listen to this on a fairly regular basis. One of the very few records I would consider flawless. I know the answer should be "Dark Side Of The Moon" or "Exile On Main Street" or whatever but this is the kind of record I grew up listening to.

Greatest Albums Ever

Steve V. wrote:

Good choice, I didn't even consider that one. Easily one of my top records.

I'm still thinking about this and I've got a weird tie going on between Boris "Pink", Pixies "Surfer Rosa", Godspeed! You Black Emperor's "Lift Yr. Skinny Fists Like Antennas To heaven", or Fugazi "Repeater", The Jesus Lizard "Liar" and Shellac "1000 Hurts".

Totally depends on the day. Shit you could even throw on Neutral Milk Hotel's "Aeroplane Over The Sea" and The Mountain Goats "All Hail West Texas" too.

I suck at chosing "best" albums. So there's a selection.

p.s. M. Ward "Post War" and Jim O'Rourke "Insignificance" also come to mind. And most of the albums previously stated.

Greatest Albums Ever

kearnsalot wrote:
Steve V. wrote:

Good choice, I didn't even consider that one. Easily one of my top records.

I honestly think that if someone put a gun to my head (for reasons I'm sure I would not know) and said "pick the only album you'll listen to for the rest of your life and if you try to ever listen to anything else I'll blow your brains all over your fine machine which you use to communicate with the EA forums," I'd pick "Less Talk, More Rock"...or "Potemkin City Limits" if I was feeling saucy.

Fuck trying to outdo the rest of this board; give me above average political heavy handedness manifesting itself as a melodic Canadian pop-punk trio any day.

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