I vote for The Pop Group. The first side of Y is better than anything any of the other bands put out. The second side sags a bit, yeah, but how are you going to follow up "We are time," one of the most intense songs ever written? "Savage Sea" does as good a job as anything could. And "Boys From Brazil" is as strong as anything [edit: on the first side. Though maybe it is actually as strong as anything].
I don't care for John Lydon's vocals at all. He sounds timid. Mark Stewart is far better, and he's also a better and funnier lyricist.
I'd vote Gang of Four second. I did not expect that these two would be in last place, but apparently we have a lot of PiL fans and Fall fans.
Best Post-Punk Band from the UK
Last edited by Get dog costumes_Archive on Fri Sep 28, 2007 1:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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