Should I Ask Whether Impeachment Will Result From This?

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I'm buying stock in Victory Gin.
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Total votes: 20

Outrage Fatigue Overload: Condi Orders Blackwater Silence

Rick Reuben wrote:
sunset_gun wrote:You obviously didn't read all of what I typed.

I read this:
sunset_gun wrote:I'm confident the System can work. I guess I feel like I can't rely on my fellow citizens.
Juxtaposed, those two sentences contain a glaring dichotomy.

Of course there is, it's called "theory" and "reality". Theoretically, I believe the System can reality, as things are now, the System does not. We call that Idealism. Next time I'll remember to spell it out for you, like I would for a two year old.

Outrage Fatigue Overload: Condi Orders Blackwater Silence

Rick Reuben wrote:Why am I not surprised that you are stumbling your way through this thread?
sunset_gun wrote:I can't hold any of the senators responsible for voting in favor of the war. They were coerced using false information.

dipshit jigaboo wrote:Congressional democrats knew the case for war was total crap.

sunset_gun wrote:I'm not going to make assumptions based on conjecture.

Ah hah ha ha... yeah, they were all deceived, Sunset. Wasn't no campaign money bending those votes for war AT ALL!
dipshit jigaboo wrote:If they didn't know the case for war was a pack of crap before Bush invaded, they are fucking retarded.

You must have a lot of time on your hands, wading through months-old posts written by me. Obviously I was mistaken then. Now that I feel differently, am I a "flip-flopper"? I have no problem re-evaluating my views based on newly found information.

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