Awesome Uknown Bands

caix wrote:
kerble wrote:
on Wednesday, Sep 26, caix wrote:Ever come across a completely unknown band on MySpace, other parts of the interweb or at a show and just fell in love with their music?

Here's one I recently found.

I preordered their album and got a free 7" with it. Fantastic stuff. They're playing Reggie's Live on October 3rd. I'm going.

On Thursday, Sep 27, 2007, Pitchfork wrote:HEALTH Spread the Wellness on Tour
Sure, we're mere weeks before the onset of cold and flu season, but when it comes to matters of HEALTH, things are looking up all the same.

The Los Angeles-based noiseniks just released their self-titled debut LP into the world (with help from Lovepump United), and they just kicked off a sizeable North American tour on which they'll meet up with several of their fellow racketeers. If the curiously Eastern tack these dates seem to take strikes you as off (those L.A. bands tend to stay pretty tethered to the homefront), think nothing of it: they'll kick off next year with a West Coast tour still to be firmed up.

boo! caix.



I don't read music news (unless I have to find reviews of my band for press releases), I only know bands my friends talk about, albums I pick up blindly, bands I see at shows or what I come across online on something like MySpace. So, to me this is an unknown band. If you want to scour Pitchfork on a daily basis to see what the next cool thing is, I got no problems with it, but I wouldn't know how "popular" a band is until more than one person (usually me) is talking about them.

To further this point, I'd like to add that when I really like a band, I sorta lose all proportionality. I just automatically assume that they're the biggest band in the world. Of course, I'm usually hugely mistaken. But I like being naive with it. I just care about music, man.

or I was just being funny.

See when you say "unknown band" and then the next day.....

oh forget it.
kerble is right.

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