Best One?

Total votes: 15 (19%)
Total votes: 21 (27%)
Gang of Four
Total votes: 11 (14%)
Joy Division
Total votes: 9 (12%)
The Fall
Total votes: 18 (23%)
The Pop Group
Total votes: 4 (5%)
Total votes: 78

Best Post-Punk Band from the UK

NerblyBear wrote:The desire to quantify bands is lazy and intellectually bankrupt.

And yet we do it fairly often, whether knowingly or not, when we decide what to listen to.

To be honest, I'm not a huge fan of these thunderdome-type threads either, but they're nothing if not hypothetical---like if you were out fishing with a buddy and he asked you which of your former significant others you'd chose to spend all eternity with. Whatever your answer you're not gonna be held accountable in a court of law, because this isn't a court of law, or a logic lesson-- it's a message board.

These threads are a way of passing time, and if some worthwhile observations come out them, I fail to see the harm.

Also, I just realized why I chose Wire: Their records, the actual punk/post-punk ones -- which is only what they should be judged upon, Steve V. -- sound the best. Not just because of Mike Thorne's otherworldly production, but also the recording quality itself. I guess they had a pretty decent budget back then, and, like the Buzzcocks, Wire put it to good use.

Best Post-Punk Band from the UK

While I like Entertainment! a little bit better than Pink Flag or Chairs Missing, if I consider cumulative worth, figuring in 154, Solid Gold, and a sprinkling of singles, I must admit that Wire has given me more great music.

So it's Wire, but only because The Birthday Party wasn't an option.
dontfeartheringo wrote:I need people to act like grown folks and I just ain't seeing it.

Best Post-Punk Band from the UK

NerblyBear wrote:How about someone trying to explain why we have to give quantitative values to artists' work? Each of these bands is significant in its own unique way.

The desire to quantify bands is lazy and intellectually bankrupt.

We're humans, not robots, we do things we probably shouldn't do and aren't completely perfect. Life is complex, putting things in boxes and putting measurements on them makes things more simple for those of us who are too busy to take every facet of everything 100% seriously, like we're solving the worlds problems, like music and musicians are actually important. I'm not always precious about music though but I'm also quite possibly intellectually bankrupt.
coffin or new guy

Best Post-Punk Band from the UK

Antero wrote:
Steve V. wrote:Gang of Four is an excellent band, but in my opinion only on two records.
In everyone's opinion, more like. Even the songs that are good from Songs of the Free are less-than-awesomely recorded.

But seriously.


What a fucking monster of a record.

Solid Gold is better. Even without the Another Day, Another Dollar EP appended. know it's got its ups and downs.

Groucho Marx wrote:Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it, misdiagnosing it and then misapplying the wrong remedies.

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