what the fuck is wrong with my computer?

so how much is a new video card gonna cost me for this thing anyway?
Ripped the old one out, gonna find me a new one an see if that does it.
I can't figure out exactly which one I need and the prices seem to vary wildly.
I hate this mac, it's sat in the back room for like 2 years so it's old and slow...we tried to update everything but it needs a password and she can't remember it.
Panic, sorry I haven't called you I was running around with the job bullshit all last week now I've been sick for the last few days I appreciate the offer of help though, I really do.
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

what the fuck is wrong with my computer?

best thing to do is to use your dell service number and log on to their website. they should have all your hardware info there. Since your computer is of a certain age, I'm guessing it is an AGP type of video card.

you can buy a cheap one on newegg:

http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductLi ... rder=PRICE

or perhaps some one on this board has one laying around.

Re: Vacuuming you computer. BE CAREFUL. Don't vacuum any of the actual components. Vacuuming creates a static charge and it can damage. You can use is to suck up the bottom of the case etc., but use compressed air on the boards.

what the fuck is wrong with my computer?

What do you do with your computer besides making everybody laugh on the EA forums?

If you play lots of fast-action 3D graphics intensive games then you'll need to drop some $$$ on an expensive vid card with big 3D acceleration and lots of memory.

If you do any video editing or anything like that you might want to get a card with some special video outs or capture or something like that.

Otherwise a cheapo $50-100 video card ought to suffice.

Is this for the Mac or the PC?

what the fuck is wrong with my computer?

Colonel Panic wrote:What do you do with your computer besides making everybody laugh on the EA forums?

If you play lots of fast-action 3D graphics intensive games then you'll need to drop some $$$ on an expensive vid card with big 3D acceleration and lots of memory.

If you do any video editing or anything like that you might want to get a card with some special video outs or capture or something like that.

Otherwise a cheapo $50-100 video card ought to suffice.

Is this for the Mac or the PC?

I don't play many games, just use it for basic computer shit and to burn CD's and steal music off soulseek and make flyers and shit.
So cheapo it is.
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

what the fuck is wrong with my computer?

Rick Reuben wrote:You need a video card for the PC? I must have six or eight AGP or PCI video cards in one of my junk boxes. If Colonel Panic is going to repair your PC for you, I'll PM him my number- he can pick up the ones I've got, if he wants. If he gets one to work, keep it.

Shit if you have the card I'll come and get it, I just gotta pop it in there and hook it all back up, right? I don't think I'll have to waste Panic's time and expertise with such a small operation
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

what the fuck is wrong with my computer?

Rick Reuben wrote:
Marsupialized wrote:Shit if you have the card I'll come and get it, I just gotta pop it in there and hook it all back up, right? I don't think I'll have to waste Panic's time and expertise with such a small operation

Well, it can be a little more involved than that. Normally, you would go into System Properties > Device Manager first and uninstall your existing video card and remove the drivers, but if you can't get the display to come up on the PC, you can't see what you're doing to do that. So you should probably just pop out the old card, install another one, and see if the OS recognizes it on boot up.( Sometimes the OS can get confused if you remove hardware without telling it that you're doing so, but in most cases, the OS will pick right up on the new card ).

You may need to go on the web with your other computer to download a driver pack and move it over with a flash drive.

I kind of lost track where you were at with the PC- you have fixed/ruled out the power supply as the problem?

I'll PM you my number. I'll go by my shop after work and grab the parts and bring them home. If you want to call me after 6:30-7pm, that's good. I'm in Bucktown so not far.

I'm pretty sure the video card just melted because the fan on it stopped working, so I'm hoping popping another in will fix it.
We'll see.
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

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