2 Products You Unconditionally Endorse

blinduncledallas wrote:
chumpchange wrote:

That is one expensive pedal. Is it worth the money? Well, if it's number one on your list, i've already answered my own question.

That's hard to say. I bought a second-hand NG Fuzz (pre-dates the NG-2) in 1991 for $100 and have only ever used that and an MXR Distortion+ for distorting my signal. Fellow band members have used the ProCo Rat and original EH Big Muff and I can only say that I prefer the Pete Cornish pedal over the others. Sadly, the pedal started to act up in 1993 (it was 10 years old by then) and got put into storage. It wasn't until a few years ago that I actually found out who made it, sent him an email, and he responded by offering to repair it. Turns out he couldn't repair it but offered a deal on a new NG-2. Took about a year for him to make a batch but it was well worth the wait.

With only a handful of dealers around the world, you can't exactly walk into a guitar shop and try one out. But if you can afford it new or see one used, I would recommend it.

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