Your Privacy, Privatized?

Hey, it's not like anyone needs to worry about this or anything. As long as you're not doing anything wrong, you'll be safe. Law abiding citizens have nothing to fear from total surveilance and cooperation of the intelligence and law enforcement communities. It's not like, you know, there's some idiot somewhere who can decide that whatever he thinks at the moment is an illegal or treasonous act is actually illegal or treasonous. That could never happen, so we're all safe. Oh, wait...

Your Privacy, Privatized?

Rick Reuben wrote:
daily mail 10-2-07 wrote:The move, enacted by the personal decree of Home Secretary Jacqui Smith, will give police and security services a right they have long demanded: to delve at will into the phone records of British citizens and businesses.

But the same powers will also be handed to the tax authorities, 475 local councils, and a host of other organisations, including the Food Standards Agency, the Department of Health, the Immigration Service, the Gaming Board and the Charity Commission.

And here's the bitch responsible:


How I'd love to knock those horseteeth right out of her mouth.

Your Privacy, Privatized?

slincire wrote:Hey, it's not like anyone needs to worry about this or anything. As long as you're not doing anything wrong, you'll be safe. Law abiding citizens have nothing to fear from total surveilance and cooperation of the intelligence and law enforcement communities. It's not like, you know, there's some idiot somewhere who can decide that whatever he thinks at the moment is an illegal or treasonous act is actually illegal or treasonous. That could never happen, so we're all safe. Oh, wait...


Your Privacy, Privatized?

Things like this can only progress so far before the ignorant start to get wise. I believe that once this happens, mass protest will gradually put a stop to shit like this going on.

It's not like your government would just shoot you, right?

We all know the food industry in the US is FAR too profitable, and that you'll all just import your McCheese Fries and stuff from some other country.
I can't imagine anybody receiving food rations that consist of a McCheeseburger, a poptart and a paper cup of coke.

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