Worst local-hometown bands in your area

AnotherEngine wrote:Besides spawning Kix and Jimmy's Chicken Shack, Baltimore is now on the map again thanks to Dan Deacon. Fuck that dude. He is nothing more than the epitome of the boring baltimore hipster.

Baltimore has the shittiest music output of any "500,000+ population, Eastern Seaboard of the US" city.

So many dreadful bands to loathe, it hurts my hand to think about typing their names here.

Even Richmond, Va. with LESS THAN HALF the population of Baltimore had many more things going for it. And a decent musical history too.

Worst local-hometown bands in your area

Kyle Motor wrote:
Kyle Motor wrote:There's a band at the same practice space as mine that does this (sans arm socks at least) and those guys gotta be pushing 40. They had show flyers up that described their sound as being similar to U2, No Doubt, Metallica and Eric Clapton. They practice this terrible plodding modern-rock cover of Cyndi Lauper's "Time After Time" for about 45 minutes at a crack......not kidding. 45 minutes of a duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh version of "Time After Time"; we'll run through our entire set, step outside our door and they're still playing it. They have meetings in the common area of our space with their manager and there's always one band dude sitting there sipping a glass of red wine during said meetings. These guys are the ultimate dinks.

All right, I'm fed up, I no longer care if these fucks come for my hide (because I think I just picked a fight with them). This fucking shit-ass excuse for a band practices a couple doors down from us.

Now, I'm not one to judge harshly.....at all. I adore catchy & stupid rock songs. I don't care about a band lacking integrity if I like the melody. I play in a straight-forward rock'n'roll/power-pop band, with absolutely no care for anything relevant in any way. But this group of cockbags makes me fucking lose it. I swear, some of these guys have to be pushing 40 and still try to pull off current trends like backwards hair. Now, in our practice space there are no bands like mine, and yet I at the very least appreciate them all because for the most part they are all really good at what they do, some are fucking totally weird and fantastic at the same time. But these cocksuckers just absolutely fucking suck. They can pro-tools their recordings all they want, I hear them practice and they're fucking awful. They've been doing constant "pre-production" everyday of the fucking week lately with some "professional" "songwriter" from "Florida" "helping them with new material". Everything coming through their wall is fucking garbage. I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE FUCKING HATE THESE FUCKERS AND IN THE VERY NEAR FUTURE IT IS NOT OUT OF THE QUESTION THAT I END UP IN A PHYSICAL ALTERCATION WITH THEM. I will keep the PRF posted.

Damn Kyle!
I've never seen you wound up.

Is this the same band that the rest of us make fun of in there that play the same damn radiohead-y sounding riff for FUCKING HOURS ON END!!?

If so.......I got yer back. I'll slay 'em with a pigs head. :D

Worst local-hometown bands in your area

Korloin wrote:Damn Kyle!
I've never seen you wound up.

Is this the same band that the rest of us make fun of in there that play the same damn radiohead-y sounding riff for FUCKING HOURS ON END!!?

If so.......I got yer back. I'll slay 'em with a pigs head. :D

That was post-happy hour gig plus gin, followed by not being able to park appropriately close to the building because of said band's tendency to park like a bitch, resulting in loading-out in the rain.

And yes busbus, they are terrible. I wouldn't care so much if they didn't augment that with a false sense of entitlement due to delusions of "making it big".

But I'm better now. Last night I got to play guitar through the following simultaneously:
Marshall 100W Super Lead -> Marshall 4x12, plus
Traynor YBA-1A -> old Kustom 4x12 + Marshall 2x12.
That righted all my wrongs of the week.
That dog won't hunt, monsignor.
zom-zom wrote:Fuck you loser pussies that hate KISS.

Go listen to your beard-nerd aluminum guitar shit. See if I care.

Worst local-hometown bands in your area

Kyle Motor wrote:But I'm better now. Last night I got to play guitar through the following simultaneously:
Marshall 100W Super Lead -> Marshall 4x12, plus
Traynor YBA-1A -> old Kustom 4x12 + Marshall 2x12.
That righted all my wrongs of the week.

Are you still able to hear? I had one of those Marshalls in a 50w version and I had to cover up 3 speakers in practice.

Worst local-hometown bands in your area

busbus wrote:
Kyle Motor wrote:But I'm better now. Last night I got to play guitar through the following simultaneously:
Marshall 100W Super Lead -> Marshall 4x12, plus
Traynor YBA-1A -> old Kustom 4x12 + Marshall 2x12.
That righted all my wrongs of the week.

Are you still able to hear? I had one of those Marshalls in a 50w version and I had to cover up 3 speakers in practice.

They both had attenuators on them (Weber MASS), but they were running about 3/4 power, so it was still pretty loud.....and glorious. Unfortunately, neither amp is mine. So I may be looking for one or the other in the near future, and if anyone's got one they want to get rid of, feel free to PM me.
That dog won't hunt, monsignor.
zom-zom wrote:Fuck you loser pussies that hate KISS.

Go listen to your beard-nerd aluminum guitar shit. See if I care.

Worst local-hometown bands in your area

i work in a bar that has live music every night of the week.

so i see lots of shitty bands.

i saw a jazz/fusion/funk band cover radiohead's "the national anthem."

i saw a bluegrass band cover journey and chuck berry amongst those stupid bluegrass staples.

i saw an alt-country band do "suffragette city."

i saw this band rock out a bunch of girls while rocking like a bunch of girls last night.

i don't mean girls as in women, or ladies but as in little female children.

and you wonder about my signature.
buy my guitar. now with pictures!

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