Beat you to it

when I was maybe 8 or 10, I "invented" a combination of GPS and autopilot for use in cars. the thing I had wrong was that you would plug into your dashboard something along the lines of an atari cartridge that had the information for each destination. they still don't have autodrive, though they're getting close, and of course GPS is pretty standard in cars at this point.

my two more recent inventions are yet to hit the market. one of them, every once in a while I think about how i'd love to sell the idea to one of the handful of companies I know could make hundreds of millions of dollars from it, but I know they'd just lawyer the fuck out of me and I wouldn't see a penny. dicks.
"The bastards have landed" - now has a couple songs from the new album

Beat you to it

I invented a microphone based on a phenomemon known as magnetoresistance. Then I found out that AT&T patented a similar device in 1996, although they have yet to actually manufacture anything utilizing the patent. Nine more years and I think it becomes public domain.


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