my favorite damon che story involving myself...
we play a show and afterwards i meet a girl and
her girlfriend. they ask me to go to a party with
them so i go. the night winds down and i end up
back at her place naked in bed together. the phone
rings at 10am. lying next to me she takes the call
and begins to say "fuck you damon, i'm not meeting
you for breakfast nor do i want to see you at all anytime
soon." she hangs up and i ask who it was and she says
it was her boyfriend and that i might know him. turns out
it was che! haaaaaaaaa! hilarious for the simple fact that
his pompous ass was a total dickhead to me more than a
few times in the past. did i mention she was a stewardess?
Don Caballero tour diary
11"I'm gonna get me a grapefruit," Barry says, adding with a phlegm chortle—"I don't cut; I don't shoot." - Marion Barry