Hairstyle: Mohawk?

Total votes: 25 (63%)
Not Crap
Total votes: 15 (38%)
Total votes: 40

Hairstyle: Mohawk

John George Peppers wrote:

Yes...see...douchebags carry the torch...

It reminds me of a Vice magazine photo caption, where they said, "Dude, have you gone to a normal people's club lately? It's fucking scary. The guys all look like Italian black punks and the girls all look like a fourteen year old's version of beating off...."

Or something to that effect
You call me a hater like that's a bad thing

Ekkssvvppllott wrote:MayorofRockNRoll is apparently the poor man's thinking man.

Hairstyle: Mohawk

Speaking of the liberty spikes and chicken heads... If "punks" spent as much time on sticking it to the man as they do on their hair and clothes, we'd have a real revolution going on. As it stands today, these chump kids are part of the problem. It's just a cry for attention and a way to act "real" and "old-school" in front of gullible teenagers. I know NO old-school punks that wear this antiquated hairdo with the exception of geezers who are getting paid to do so, or real burn-outs who act like shriveled kids.

While searching for pictures of Watty etc. to illustrate my point, I came across this poster for an Exploited show sponsored by Jack Daniels and Coca-Cola:


Ever get the feeling you're being exploited?

Hairstyle: Mohawk

aaron wrote:oi!

mohawks = n/c
fauxhawks = very much c
jockhawks = see above
nastyhawks = yep

sums it up for me...
lemur68 wrote:I've always said there are two ways to guarantee getting on the news:

1) Be found hoarding 80 animals in your home.

2) Drive through a storefront.

I'm 6/80ths the way to #1.

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