by itchy mcgoo_Archive
This weekend was fantastic and busy and I am finally alone and celebrating this by being full of shiraz.
Friday, I saw an ex-fiancee of mine who hasn't looked me in the eye or avoided a panic attack the very few times we've seen each other in the seven yrs we've been a[art. I feel worse about nothing than the way I ended that relationship. It was easy, enjoyable to talk to him. No reason to pretend we know each having spent somuch time apart. Redemption.
And then Satruday filled with friends and curry and feverish discussion of art and life. Intensity, I get accused of being intense. I sometimes regret my inablity listen without demanding some sort of engagement. Ive got a lot of energy and fuck that can make me hard to be around, I demand LIFE I demand learning and feed myself these things cause I ain't got the geologic time to deal with dullards and cowards and whining and chill=brahs and bullshit. And sometimes that leaves me lonely and questioning but life is yours to live, its you own responsibilty to feed your brain. And bring shit to the table.
I saw beautiful people this weekend whoare leading lives honoring their responsibilities and servingg their creativity, so many whom I hae met "here". Mssrs Stack, Weissenberger, Orchard, Farster, Monypeny and Rezvani and two dozen other music makers, art creators who I am pleased to have inmy worldd, even tangetially to see how you do it, with your beautiful relationships, your work and lves. I am pleased to know you and wish toserve you rabbit pot pies and cocktails.
Anyway, if I saw you this weekend, you made my life brighter. And I raise my fortieth glass of shirac to you.
H-GM wrote:Still don't make you mexican, Dances With Burros.