I was very amused when Sylar was unable to gain a new ability. My hypothesis is that while saving his life, they also did some other surgery that has removed all of his abilities, beyond his intuitive power. Wouldn't that be the most perfect punishment for him? To know other people's powers but be unable to acquire them himself. This also seems to jive with Nikki approaching the company for a cure.
Peter's storyline kind of veered into blah territory and what the hell was up with Hiro's story? That exposition was completely worthless - we're only three goddamn episodes into the season, we don't need him to narrate what he's been doing. Don't get me wrong, american audiences are retarded and have a limited attention span, but not that limited.
TV show: Heroes
142Chromodynamic wrote:I was very amused when Sylar was unable to gain a new ability. My hypothesis is that while saving his life, they also did some other surgery that has removed all of his abilities, beyond his intuitive power. Wouldn't that be the most perfect punishment for him? To know other people's powers but be unable to acquire them himself. This also seems to jive with Nikki approaching the company for a cure.
Peter's storyline kind of veered into blah territory and what the hell was up with Hiro's story? That exposition was completely worthless - we're only three goddamn episodes into the season, we don't need him to narrate what he's been doing. Don't get me wrong, american audiences are retarded and have a limited attention span, but not that limited.
yeah the Wonder years Hiro bit is fucking gay garbage.
I didn't think Sylar had the ability to intuit other's powers? I thought he needed mohinder to do that.
Notice the Hiro storyline is taking place all on 1-2 set pieces, really shitty small set pieces w/ horrible special effects. The 80 angry ronin scene.. so dumb. Being able to heal doesnt give you the power to fight 80 guys at once, thats dumb and of course they didnt show any of the fighting because its impossible to make that seem even remotely realistic.
The blonde guy *just* gets his power ... so how is he able to defeat 80 samurai again ? Last I saw he got knocked down w/ a few arrows and it took him at least 5 minutes to get up. I'm sure 80 ronin could hack him to bits before he would have time to heal.
God this show makes me angry now, they jumped the shark almost as bad as Friday Night Lights.
TV show: Heroes
143"wonder years hiro"... for SURE. so horrible. i mean come on: the music, the gently falling CHERRY BLOSSOMS on a japanese maiden in love, the horrible editing. i hear hexpane when he mentions the 80 ronin vs. the 4 arrows, but my guess is that like any hero once he knew of and accepted his powers he was able to control it to some degree. still, why wouldn't he have his head chopped off? 80 ruthless trained swordsmen versus an english guy that can heal pretty fast? right.
i am actually bummed DL is dead. ali larter's acting was worse this episode than last season and seeing uhura didn't help. there were two star trek alumni this episode, huh? wasn't the guy peter attacked from enterprise? actually 3 counting sylar as the new spock. god this episode sucked so bad.
speaking of sylar......... lame......... the new candice was crap too. the only fun thing is that he's stuck in the middle of the jungle without someone to make him eggs. hexpane, if you remember from last season sylar's "power" is the ability to figure out how things work thus his former profession as a clock maker--no mohinder required.
i won't get into west, clearly he's a numbnut. i also think they are stretching out the isaac mendez paintings a little far without the impact of last season's storyline. when they hint at claire turning on her dad by finding out he chipped her boyfriend when he worked for a bad company i expected to hear a DUN DUN DUNNN!! maya and alejandro's story is getting weak already as well. okay, they keep getting caught trying to cross the border and maya accidentally kills everyone... i get it. NEXT!
and peter...? how easy was it to call that he wasn't going to open the box? a perfect addition to the drag-em-out cliffhangers to crap storylines. this was it, they could have been done with it and moved the F on. but no, of course not.
i don't understand why this season is so bad. it seems like it would have been so easy to continue on with the same elements of darkness, suspense and mystery with the bonus of quirkiness and superfun. i feel personally slighted. immediately weaving in the first group of heroes' stories could have been one way to extend the continuity. i remember reading this was their initial intention but changed their minds due to the popularity of the current cast. bummer but they still could have gone on way better than this. feels like either they are getting way too much input from the network (see: heroes - origins... cast the next hero!) or got all new writers who weren't very familiar with nor fond of the show. probably a little bit of both. this episode was seriously so bad and boring it created its own superpower and transported all of television into the boring dimension.
fuck this.
i am actually bummed DL is dead. ali larter's acting was worse this episode than last season and seeing uhura didn't help. there were two star trek alumni this episode, huh? wasn't the guy peter attacked from enterprise? actually 3 counting sylar as the new spock. god this episode sucked so bad.
speaking of sylar......... lame......... the new candice was crap too. the only fun thing is that he's stuck in the middle of the jungle without someone to make him eggs. hexpane, if you remember from last season sylar's "power" is the ability to figure out how things work thus his former profession as a clock maker--no mohinder required.
i won't get into west, clearly he's a numbnut. i also think they are stretching out the isaac mendez paintings a little far without the impact of last season's storyline. when they hint at claire turning on her dad by finding out he chipped her boyfriend when he worked for a bad company i expected to hear a DUN DUN DUNNN!! maya and alejandro's story is getting weak already as well. okay, they keep getting caught trying to cross the border and maya accidentally kills everyone... i get it. NEXT!
and peter...? how easy was it to call that he wasn't going to open the box? a perfect addition to the drag-em-out cliffhangers to crap storylines. this was it, they could have been done with it and moved the F on. but no, of course not.
i don't understand why this season is so bad. it seems like it would have been so easy to continue on with the same elements of darkness, suspense and mystery with the bonus of quirkiness and superfun. i feel personally slighted. immediately weaving in the first group of heroes' stories could have been one way to extend the continuity. i remember reading this was their initial intention but changed their minds due to the popularity of the current cast. bummer but they still could have gone on way better than this. feels like either they are getting way too much input from the network (see: heroes - origins... cast the next hero!) or got all new writers who weren't very familiar with nor fond of the show. probably a little bit of both. this episode was seriously so bad and boring it created its own superpower and transported all of television into the boring dimension.
fuck this.
TV show: Heroes
144kenoki wrote: seeing uhura didn't help. there were two star trek alumni this episode, huh? wasn't the guy peter attacked from enterprise? actually 3 counting sylar as the new spock. god this episode sucked so bad
and peter...? how easy was it to call that he wasn't going to open the box? a perfect addition to the drag-em-out cliffhangers to crap storylines. this was it, they could have been done with it and moved the F on. but no, of course not.
Yeah he was that Enterprise guy, and to boot the Dr. Phalice from Enterprise was on Journeyman. He's actually a good actor but it was a lil Trek overload.. too much fan service... which becomes a disservice to those of wanting quality writing/directing and editing.
And speaking of the 80 ronin trash, lets say they don't chop his head off... how about they just hold him down? He doesnt have super strength, he can just heal quick. Last time I watched a NFL game, even the strongest player on the field could be tackled by 1 other guy, on a spectacular day it takes 2 or 3 defenders for the most determined running backs.
TV show: Heroes
145kenoki wrote:i don't understand why this season is so bad. it seems like it would have been so easy to continue on with the same elements of darkness, suspense and mystery with the bonus of quirkiness and superfun. i feel personally slighted. immediately weaving in the first group of heroes' stories could have been one way to extend the continuity. i remember reading this was their initial intention but changed their minds due to the popularity of the current cast. bummer but they still could have gone on way better than this. feels like either they are getting way too much input from the network (see: heroes - origins... cast the next hero!) or got all new writers who weren't very familiar with nor fond of the show. probably a little bit of both. this episode was seriously so bad and boring it created its own superpower and transported all of television into the boring dimension.
fuck this.
Yeah. I don't get it either. Wtf happened? I think they could go in an interesting direction with the Claire finding out more about the bad shit daddy pulled, but my faith is pretty shaken right now.
Marsupialized wrote:Thank you so much for the pounding, it came in handy.
TV show: Heroes
146Its been a horrible all around new year for TV in the USA. I guess you need the lows after a strong 4-8 years.
Sopranos down
Deadwood cancelled
ROME over
Greys Anatomy had 1/2 a good season, the rest is awful
Journeyman has been meh
Battlestar peaked at season 2.5
Heroes has become garbage
Life has a strong cast and a hook, but otherwise bad stories
Reaper started strong but doesnt have anything to carry it
Weeds I find boring as hell
Friday Night Lights jumped the shark almost as bad as heroes
Bionic Woman is a turd
ANgel rip off "Moonlight" is worse than anyone thought it could be
I shouldnt be shocked because TV is usually filled w/ bad things and a few nice shiny shows. I guess the buzz about everyone vibing off strong HBO type series that the execs would "get it" this time around, instead we get fluff nonsense like the Bionic Woman and the best part of that show is Starbuck playing Starbuck out of context
Sopranos down
Deadwood cancelled
ROME over
Greys Anatomy had 1/2 a good season, the rest is awful
Journeyman has been meh
Battlestar peaked at season 2.5
Heroes has become garbage
Life has a strong cast and a hook, but otherwise bad stories
Reaper started strong but doesnt have anything to carry it
Weeds I find boring as hell
Friday Night Lights jumped the shark almost as bad as heroes
Bionic Woman is a turd
ANgel rip off "Moonlight" is worse than anyone thought it could be
I shouldnt be shocked because TV is usually filled w/ bad things and a few nice shiny shows. I guess the buzz about everyone vibing off strong HBO type series that the execs would "get it" this time around, instead we get fluff nonsense like the Bionic Woman and the best part of that show is Starbuck playing Starbuck out of context
TV show: Heroes
147Hexpane wrote:I didn't think Sylar had the ability to intuit other's powers? I thought he needed mohinder to do that.
It's been referred to as Intuitive Aptitude by at least one of the writers from season one. There are little instances of him using it. The best example would be him figuring out that Hiro is able to, at the very least, stop time after only one encounter with him.
TV show: Heroes
148Something i've been wondering about in this season as well, incidentally: Wtf is up with everyone being able to hop across the country in the span of an episode? Nikki and Micah start the episode in Vegas, and end up in New Orleans 30 minutes later? Last season it took Hiro and Ando, well, about 3/4 of the season to get from California to New York! Last i checked, Nathan's too drunk to fly, Peter doesn't know he can fly, and Hiro's in the past, so i don't know who everyone else is bumming rides off of.
Marsupialized wrote:Thank you so much for the pounding, it came in handy.
TV show: Heroes
149Well last night was slightly better, although its still half hearted w/ the whole what exactly can or can't sylar do. He clearly needed to be hit over the head directly w/ the book that spells out "HEY WE ARE MUTANTS PLEASE KILL US AND TAKE OUR POWERS< WE COULDNT BE MORE OBVIOUS" yet still Sylar is squinting and looking "hmm I wonder"
thank god no Hiro this week, Nathan was cool until he shaved the beard.
Michah's story is gh3y
thank god no Hiro this week, Nathan was cool until he shaved the beard.
Michah's story is gh3y
TV show: Heroes
150i kind of like micah's story right now.
i wish sylar would make some friends already.
this week was DEFINITELY an improvement over last. and yeah, thank god for no hiro (and peter... oh yeah and jessica/nikki).
what's up with nathan's fotch? do you think he's just seeing an image of peter's appearance post-explosion superimposed on himself or what? guilt? i dunno. is that how he actually looks and somehow.....? I DON'T FREAKIN' KNOW! i didn't even think about it last time we saw his reflection... but now it occurs to me that it's not like he can heal...so?... also, nathan, get a haircut.
what else?.... oh.... west.... we don't need to go into that incredible gayness. "i know you can heal but i don't want you to get hurt." UGH!!!!!
i wish sylar would make some friends already.
this week was DEFINITELY an improvement over last. and yeah, thank god for no hiro (and peter... oh yeah and jessica/nikki).
what's up with nathan's fotch? do you think he's just seeing an image of peter's appearance post-explosion superimposed on himself or what? guilt? i dunno. is that how he actually looks and somehow.....? I DON'T FREAKIN' KNOW! i didn't even think about it last time we saw his reflection... but now it occurs to me that it's not like he can heal...so?... also, nathan, get a haircut.
what else?.... oh.... west.... we don't need to go into that incredible gayness. "i know you can heal but i don't want you to get hurt." UGH!!!!!