homophobic musicians

Rick Reuben wrote:
Eating Noddemix wrote:One of the many reasons it's more acceptable to be homophobic than racist in our society is that black culture itself is, in general, pretty homophobic, even more so than white culture is (which is crazy considering how homophobic white culture is [white culture is, in general, quite homophobic]).
Describing the prevalence of homophobia is not the same thing as explaining why it is or isn't acceptable. Homophobia is accepted as an attitude by more people- I think you're right on that point- but that doesn't mean that it is more 'acceptable', if you follow me. Choosing to be either homophobic or racist is a bad choice, period. Nothing changes for that equation if a million people or a hundred million people choose it along with you.

Sure, "accepted" would have been a better (more accurate) word choice than "acceptable" there-- you are right.

homophobic musicians

Boombats wrote:I think Eierdiebe means that society as a whole amoeba is more accepting of ho-bia than r-ism, because your LCD n-gas are ho-bic. Not that the bias is acceptible, but is found to be acceptible within the current paradigm.

An English translation, please?
Animals are something invented by plants to move seeds around. An extremely yang solution to a peculiar problem which they faced. T. Mckenna

homophobic musicians

Rick Reuben wrote:
Boombats wrote:I think Eierdiebe
Eierdiebe is Eating Noddemix?

It's true, Ricky Bobby. And I'll be changing names again when I hit 666. Maybe in my sig I'll provide a key. (This user name changing, btw, is a way of marking time, different eras, if you will, similar to John's Chapter Two and Chapter Three thing.)

homophobic musicians

tmidgett wrote:Lou Reed
Jerry Lee Lewis
Skip James
James Brown
Chuck Berry, for God's sake
Dick Dale
John Lydon
Lynyrd Skynyrd
John Fogerty
2/5 of The Band
Johnny Ramone
Michael Gira
Caspar Brotzmann

Disagreeable, maybe, but I don't think any of these guys are out-and-out shitbags. Maybe James Brown and Jerry Lee Lewis. In fact, I'd love to have dinner with any of them. But Chuck Berry? Come on, dude. If wanting to look at girls' underpants while they go to the bathroom is such a crime, then I'm GUILTY AS CHARGED.

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