Fred Mangan Guitars

Claytron wrote:Outsource nothing! I relish this opportunity to speak my mind to the Great Steve Abalone Shell. Unworthy of comparison to Moriarty, but oh so indignant.

And man, oh, man... that "you really don't like me" joke *NEVER* gets old. Whew!

So, does this mean I should start taking the internet seriously?
kerble wrote:Ernest Goes to Jail In Your Ass

Fred Mangan Guitars

Claytron wrote:Wow. Just... wow.

As the mods can clearly tell, I am posting this message from sunny Denver, Colorado. I have just returned after a one month vacation / business trip to Chicago. Full disclosure: I am both friend and customer to Fred Mangan. Not that any of that matters. I am entitled to an opinion, and here it is.

First of all, the supposition that kitsch in any way detracts from playability, clarity, tone, etc., is presumptuous and inane. Steve Albini may think so, but he's mistaken. That's not so surprising, but really, I guess I'd expected more from such a thoughtful guy.

But you know what else is laughable? Steve Albini - yes, *the* Steve Albini - calling absolutely anyone else a prick. Hey, Steve, I've met you a few times, and we have loads of mutual friends and acquaintances. You wanna know something? Most of them think you're a prick, and so do I. I've never liked you, frankly, and I wouldn't let you produce my records if yours was the last overpriced, categorically overrated studio on the planet. Also, Kurt Cobain once told me that you were the most needlessly pretentious jagoff he'd ever met. Well, I'm paraphrasing, but you get my drift. Seriously. Dig it.

For the record, I've played many guitars over the years, and worked with many outstanding musicians. G-Thagoras is one of them. And lots of my musician friends know Fred to be not only courteous, but also extremely gifted. I can't imagine that it's too easy to construct a virtually noiseless bass out of an aluminum clock face, using a .38 revolver as the bridge. But what do I know? Aside from the fact that Steve Albini twitches in righteous indignation any time anyone questions his alleged greatness. And the fact that Big Black sucks.

However, it is always possible that the person posting as Steve is really one of his interns. After all, one might reasonably expect that he'd let one of his subordinates take care of things over here, seeing how that's how he runs his recording business. Go jerk off on a reel-to-reel or something, you oligophrenial ponce. You analog-loving crybaby. And then learn to listen to something before you attempt to utterly dismiss its sonic integrity.

Funny that so many people think you've got such a great set of ears. You've just proven to everyone here that if something's kitschy, you don't give a second thought to what it sounds like. Real professional-like, see. Hell, without kitsch, no one would even remember Roy Smeck, not to mention Rapeman.

Anyway, back to the point. When Fred told me that he'd sold the clock / revolver bass for $400, I almost strangled him. It's a piece he could've gotten at least two grand for, no question. Many musicians think that his work is spectacular; members of the Melvins, Planes Mistaken for Stars, and yes, even Queens of the Stone Age. Ask yourself, what does Steve Albini know? Having never played one of Fred's guitars, I am inclined to believe that he knows quite a bit less than he "thinks" he does.

But of course, when you get as much lip service as Albini or Paris Hilton, you're bound to start thinking you're Christ Incarnate. Excelsior!

Man this guy's giving me the Douche Chills.

Fred Mangan Guitars

Claytron wrote:
steve wrote:... it remains that Fred typed like a little prick on page one of this thread, bitching at a customer of his who didn't pay him enough tribute for the novelty guitars he makes.

As perhaps I alone see it, he was responding to the guy saying that he was wasted. That's what being sober will do to you, right Steve?

This is retarded. OK I'm still not convinced that any of these trolls are really associated with this shop, but if this is for real, I have to argue: Fred's overreaction at Schmutz's allegation of being high is ludicrous. Not even the most die-hard AA / NA members would get that pissed unless they had something to hide. I mean if Fred's on probation, or if someone went to his "sponsor" and claimed they saw him on drugs, then I could understand. But christ, a glib comment on a message board sends him into a Leon Sumbitches tirade? Fucking ponderous, man.

Fred Mangan Guitars

What a cold day in chicago.....

Looks like someone got sharked and is still pissed after all these years.

Zom-zom wrote:
I won't listen to you, and you can have your weirdo fans make all sorts of sandwiches in honour of your fantastic talent of playing the chopping-block and baby-doll-head Awesome Custom Electric Guitar.

Axe Cutting contest at The Ol’ Choppin’ Block ... a8.jpg?v=0

Bakelite kitsch in synch inspires radical praxis aka Clown Love

Clown Love: ... D=50463947

a change in the weather ... iiiMe..mp3

Fred Mangan Guitars

Boombats wrote:I have to argue: Fred's overreaction at Schmutz's allegation of being high is ludicrous. Not even the most die-hard AA / NA members would get that pissed unless they had something to hide.

I never said that Fred didn't overreact, but I do believe that calling someone a "prick" based entirely on what he says in a forum is kind of a prick move. Us against them, hive-mind bullshit. Furthermore, we might just as easily characterize that as overreacting. But to say that something can't possibly sound good because it's kitschy, well... that's just plain stupid.

I would expect that kind of idiocy from a developmentally disabled mollusk, but to see the one and only Steve Albini make this kind of sweeping assertion is a tad unnerving. I mean: aren't you supposed to be a genius or something, Steve?

Fred Mangan Guitars

WienerTard wrote:I don't have school tomorrow and it's a Wednesday night, what's your excuse?

Ooh, burn! Did you get that one from Steve? I'm *so* using that! Anyway, I'm mastering a couple of records and I'm bored. That's my excuse, gobemouche. No go suck on your mother's diseased pudenda some more. You're not completely weaned yet.

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