Rick Reuben wrote:alex maiolo wrote:e
Dude, you do this all the time.
No, my point is that there are two major types of people in this state:
The people in the middle who work in biotech, engineering, etc.
The people in the East and West who are, for the most part, supported by the revenue produced by the others.
Alex, it's clear...
No, it's not clear.
It's clear to you because you are, as usual, hell bent on making sure your impression of a poster, me in this case, is what you say it is because you just like being right.
This is one country, not a bunch of kingdoms. Until this is 50 little countries, then I think it's a bad idea to let sections of the US adopt extreme policies, even by a narrow margin, when it can alienate people who have lived in an area for a long time.
You regularly accuse people of dodging questions.
However, you still haven't addressed my concern. Rather, you are clinging to the idea that I am a snob.
Whatever. Fine.
My point all along has been this, and I still want to know:
1)How do you reconcile telling active, happily ensconced members of a state that they are no longer welcome in their homes because a law has changed regionally?
2)How do you reconcile things when a adjacent state's policies adversely affect your own?
People have asked you these questions in one form or another and I haven't really seen an answer yet, just a bunch of hot air about how so and so's a snob, Canadian, a Candian snob, a dipshit, or an oppresssor of individual or (even slight) majority rights.
Maybe you took it as an attack, but it never was. I'm not callling you an idiot, as you do to so many people, and I'm not challenging your intellect. I just want to know - how do you Libertarians deal with extremely important issues like these? A disproprtionate number of my friends who work in RTP are gay - like one in five. If my state said sodomy was illegal, how is it right to tell them they are no longer free to live their lives as they've done here for so many years?
It's one thing to say when you go to Turkey, you'd better not act gay, or you'll get thrown in the slammer,as little as I like it. It's another to say if you vacation on Hilton Head island, you'd better keep it in your pants, homo.
What is the simple, no prooooooblem, Libertarian answer for the two things I've laid out, which I'll distill for you right now, again:
In between calling me a stuck up prick, can you answer that for me? I'm genuinely curious. If you don't know, and you say so, that's OK. I don't claim to know why I feel the way I do about every little thing I have an opinion on, just the ones I've given the most thought to.
Itchy McGoo wrote:I would like to be a "shoop-shoop" girl in whatever band Alex Maiolo is in.