say something nasty about a band you like

Can't say I like this band remotely...

Dear Sunn O))),
You are not druids. Nothing is worth listening to for that long. I resent the fact that half of your name if composed of silent characters. And perhaps all of my creations should be named after an ingredient used to produce them. I think I'll name my future son Atom, clever? I also love how your album to album progressions are not noticeable or remarkable. And if I want my bowels quake, I will just drop salene.

say something nasty about a band you like

The Urinals - Why on earth did you have to put out another album? You had a 100% going there!! Oh, I know why - you are pretentious Californians who have worked at college bookstores your whole life and now finally realized you needed money. Oh, and Trotsky Icepick was unlistenable.

feedtime - you disappeared. That sucks. Bigtime.

Drunks w/ Guns - Melissa? Seriously guys, wtf?

Head of David - Seed State. why WHY WHY?!?!

Husker Du - You never finished what you started, and then you guys turned into untalented pussies. How is it possible that Bob Mould is making electronica now?!
Well, that's just, like, your opinion, man.

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