Post if you re over 30 thread

zom-zom wrote:Today is my 49th birthday.

Tonight, I'm going out to eat a Bengal Tiger steak with a gold and truffle reduction. I will have it carried out by a team of albino dwarves on a platter made of diamonds. Each dwarf will have a 24karat gold platter-hat on his head piled with lines of Peruvian flake and highly-refined Heroin. That's for after-dinner. I wish you could all be invited, but I cannot divulge the location due to the endangered status of the tiger meat.

That hat sounds interesting. Save it--you can turn it into a guitar!
My grunge/northwest rock blog

Post if you re over 30 thread

I will be 32 in november.

For the first time in my life i feel confident about my recording and musical abilities. No more stage fright, no more wondering if i'm good enough. Gimme' a rock and a stick and i will make something musical.

I'm not afraid of marriage anymore, not afraid of having kids.
My thirties are shaping up to be the best decade ever!

If i get out of California soon i might just be able to buy buy a house.
With a basement that i can turn into a studio proper.

Somewhere above someone? mentioned that he likes what he likes and doesn't 2 shits about what he doesn't. I feel the same.


My 20's are behind me, to qoute the supremely older and wiser zom-zom "BARRFF"!
ChoCko is back in town!

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