Fred Mangan Guitars

alex maiolo wrote:Yut?!?!?!?
My head just 'sploded.


Hm, probably not; hereare the Zappatistas mentioned above. I had such high hopes for such a great name.

It's appears to be a troll on troll circle of shit. Or perhaps proof that all trolls are equivalent.
Gib Opi kein Opium, denn Opium bringt Opi um!

Fred Mangan Guitars

Claytron wrote:
steve wrote:Man, I thought you weren't even you. You're supposed to be some dude pretending to be you. Are you you now?

Me, you... what's the difference? I never said that I wasn't me. Aren't you a writer? Learn to read.

Claytron wrote:Sigh.

One good way of preserving one's anonymity online is to impersonate someone who really exists. Trust me, Clayton Counts wouldn't mind, given his well-established penchant for causing trouble, and his undying hatred of Steve Albini.

Not that it's so easy to impersonate him without drawing from his contributions. His use of English is respectable, better than anyone here except for possibly Steve himself, which could be a clue as to my true identity. He was an easy choice, since he links to Fred's site and likes to stir up trouble online, but, unless I'm missing something, he doesn't refer to himself as a mash-up artist. You guys were closer when you were guessing Axl Rose.

FYI, though, Clayton's been in quite a few magazines, and he's a heck of a guy. I just saw a blurb about him in American Songwriter over the weekend. I, on the other hand, have been a bit luckier in life. And me and Jerry Lewis go way back. That's a little in-joke for Stevie. Let the games continue!

ummm... this sounds like a denial of identity to me, although no one would believe it as it's layed on a little thick.

EDIT: so he's someone else now?
Last edited by h8 m0dems_Archive on Mon Oct 15, 2007 5:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Fred Mangan Guitars

honeyisfunny wrote:The only way this could get better is if Claytron turns out to be Steve. I don't even know what that would mean. I guess the internet would suck itself into a little ball and just disappear. I eagerly await new posts...

Didn't Claytron kind of half-suggest that at one point? He was going on about how he wasn't Clayton Counts and--

Claytron wrote:His use of English is respectable, better than anyone here except for possibly Steve himself, which could be a clue as to my true identity.

Eh. Nowhere near as entertaining as "Classic" Claytron, from pages 1-6 of the thread. There was an Andy Kauffman-like (albeit accidental and oblivious) quality to those posts. This "who is Claytron?" era is lacking. I'm not sure that knowing Claytron's true identity adds much to the humor.

Fred Mangan Guitars

So far:

Yut = Wernheim Zackariah = Claytron
Claytron =/= Clayton
Claytron = Claytron
Zappatistas =/= Zappatistas UK
Butch Vig =/= PJ Harvey
Satellite dish = Guitar
Phyllis's =~= has pool table (uncertainty expressed by probability of .6)
` =/= '

I think we need a few more data points before any head asplode.
steve albini
Electrical Audio
sa at electrical dot com
Quicumque quattuor feles possidet insanus est.

Fred Mangan Guitars

You forgot the most important one of all, Steve.

Steve = Claytron

C'mon, try and wiggle your way out of this one now that I've totally called you out.

This would be a most bizarre twist, as it would mean that you had someone else put up Claytron's posts for you on Friday night while you were playing cards. You probably wrote them earlier in the day, huh?

Yeah, so busted.
"The bastards have landed" - now has a couple songs from the new album

Fred Mangan Guitars

scott wrote:You forgot the most important one of all, Steve.

Steve = Claytron

C'mon, try and wiggle your way out of this one now that I've totally called you out.

This would be a most bizarre twist, as it would mean that you had someone else put up Claytron's posts for you on Friday night while you were playing cards. You probably wrote them earlier in the day, huh?

Yeah, so busted.

He's trying to keep the forum hits up so he can score some big bucks advertisment campaigns for the site, or something.

Fred Mangan Guitars

Yeah, the U.K. version of the Zappatistas is much different from the Chicago version, from what I understand. The latter has songs about going to work in the morning and seeing a giant Bobblehead version of your boss, or about sniffing your hempen loafers and entering a magic mind-meld with Uruguayan farmers. Heady stuff, indeed. And it's played in, like, 15/17 time, with trumpet solos and outrageous, Gibby-esque antics. A truly horrible band, although, since my friend is the guitarist, I have never said so out loud.

But Clay is going to deny that he is "Claytron" because the Zappatistas strive to protect their anonymity, a la the Residents.

Clay, by the way, I want those Can bootlegs back. And don't you ever fucking refer to them as "the German version of the Grateful Dead" again, joking or not. You and Brian should cop that guy's licks more often, it might make your band sound less like absolute ass.

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