
Total votes: 16 (35%)
Not Crap
Total votes: 30 (65%)
Total votes: 46

TV show: Heroes

kenoki wrote: "i know you can heal but i don't want you to get hurt." UGH!!!!!

That line was fucking embarrassing. Look, i get that he's a teenaged boy, but come on.

I was still pretty bored mostly. I am very excited at the prospect of Sylar killing the shit out of the Blunder Twins, because they are boring and pointless and i don't care. The producers may say "wait, when you see how they fit in you'll see things differently," but sorry, you'd best make them interesting now so we're motivated to see how they fit in, otherwise you're a shit storyteller.

The crap with Micah's cousin was boring as shit too. OK, so you're part of the superhero family and you have some kind of mega-memory. OK. But the manufactured "i live in New Orleans and am a single woman just trying to provide for my family" pathos is a little much, no? Or am i just getting so annoyed with the boring that i'm looking for stuff to bitch about now? Because while i'm interested in Matt's dad being Molly's nightmare dude (Uluuru? Is that what's going on?), part of me was still rolling my eyes at the whole "hey, let's see who else we can make related to the Golden Age Heroes" bit.

That all being said, the use of Rey Misterio's 619 finishing move had me laughing quite loudly.

Marsupialized wrote:Thank you so much for the pounding, it came in handy.

TV show: Heroes

So far I have been unimpressed. It seems as though a high school student is writing these episodes. The wrestling move? Seriously? Hey look, she's focusing on the tv while they are watching wrestling. Ooh, she is keying in on a move, gosh I wonder when when is going to.. oh wait a burgular, never mind.


TV show: Heroes

kenoki wrote:i wish sylar would make some friends already.

No shit, you would think that maybe they could take his newfound incapacitation and roll for some remorse from the guy; They may still do that, I am nearly insistent that they do so. If he just keeps killing and eventually gets a new set of powers, or his old ones back, I'll probably just throw my hands up in frustration.

TV show: Heroes

I had blocked out the Claire/Superboy stuff it was so bad. her defiant emo ironic acting this year is way fucking disney channel now, she is morphing into a drug free Linsay Lohan, I can't believe she was one of my favs last year, I get sick w/ her swarmyness now.

And yeah that Katrina shout out ... seriously WTF?

And I can't be the only one creeped out by Mohinder and Parkman trying to pull a love train on the lil girl, lining up to hug and pet her... the whole my 2 dads thing is just gross.

Its like Barton Fink.

"So what is it Fink, Orphan, Love interest? huh?"

Fink "...Both... Maybe?"

Apparently the writers this year decided to spend the season giving shout outs to the awesomeness of Barton Fink, but the self parody is lost on most of us. That can be the only explanation for this kid heavy Smallville knock off bullshit.

Sadly its still the best thing on TV this week (non Pay cable) because new shows like Journeyman are just average at best. This week's heroes being slightly better than average almost makes me want to change my vote in the film vs. tv poll depending on how much I like Elizabeth II

TV show: Heroes

I just started watching this and blew through all of season one in a week. It kicked ass. I'm not sure about the Hiro plotline. I don't mind him having gone into the past, that's standard comic shit, but the Angry Ronin shit was a bit silly, even w/ Kensei's healing. I was hoping Kensei was gonna buy it when he got arrowed, and that Hiro would just take over and become the real Kensei, but alas, we're stuck with him pulling some Cyrano shit. Now I'm just hoping he stumbles on some cool ass backs story stuff in the past and gets back to the present.

West sucks and needs to go. I was hoping he'd let Claire fall off the Hollywood sign and then go after Bennet while she was out of commission. Then Bennet could kill his lame, flying ass, or the Haitian could mindwipe him and the show could go on minus the cheesy pseudo-dork teenage romance. Actually, I liked Claire and her possibly gay friend from season one a lot as a pair. They should've just kept him in the show.

The Irish characters have the worst accents, and I have no fucking clue why Peter was even in that box. Maybe it will turn out ok, story-wise, but he should open the damn box. I missed it, but did he actually decide not to open it at all, or she scene just cut before he did anything? What would have been really cool, and totally unfitting for a tv show, but fitting for a comic, would have been if the killed Peter and Nathan after the season one finale. Then maybe bring one or both of them back later in season two, or maybe in season three. Possibly as a villain.

Overall, Not Crap, though I'll have to see if season two pans out. I haven't been as disappointed with it as some of you guys have, but I just got into it too. Honestly, I always figured it would suck, and am still just so amazingly surprised that a prime time, network show about superheroes is as good as Heroes is, even the season two shit.

TV show: Heroes

slincire wrote:I just started watching this and blew through all of season one in a week. It kicked ass. I'm not sure about the Hiro plotline. I don't mind him having gone into the past, that's standard comic shit, but the Angry Ronin shit was a bit silly, even w/ Kensei's healing. I was hoping Kensei was gonna buy it when he got arrowed, and that Hiro would just take over and become the real Kensei, but alas, we're stuck with him pulling some Cyrano shit. Now I'm just hoping he stumbles on some cool ass backs story stuff in the past and gets back to the present.

West sucks and needs to go. I was hoping he'd let Claire fall off the Hollywood sign and then go after Bennet while she was out of commission. Then Bennet could kill his lame, flying ass, or the Haitian could mindwipe him and the show could go on minus the cheesy pseudo-dork teenage romance. Actually, I liked Claire and her possibly gay friend from season one a lot as a pair. They should've just kept him in the show.

The Irish characters have the worst accents, and I have no fucking clue why Peter was even in that box. Maybe it will turn out ok, story-wise, but he should open the damn box. I missed it, but did he actually decide not to open it at all, or she scene just cut before he did anything? What would have been really cool, and totally unfitting for a tv show, but fitting for a comic, would have been if the killed Peter and Nathan after the season one finale. Then maybe bring one or both of them back later in season two, or maybe in season three. Possibly as a villain.

Overall, Not Crap, though I'll have to see if season two pans out. I haven't been as disappointed with it as some of you guys have, but I just got into it too. Honestly, I always figured it would suck, and am still just so amazingly surprised that a prime time, network show about superheroes is as good as Heroes is, even the season two shit.

i had a bet early on in season 1 w. my girlfriend that Peter would be killed. The condition I gave her was that he had to be "dead" or at least "dead to the viewers" for at least 1 episode. So now they've killed him 2X but I don't think he's been dead for longer than 1/2 an episode yet so I think I lost.

TV show: Heroes

We're about 3/4 of the way through series 1 over here in the UK on terrestial non-pay TV, so apologies for my being Mr. Johnny-Come-Lately.

Something's been annoying me all along about this series, and I finally worked it out earlier this week (I'm slow, sorry chaps). Along the lines of "World" Series Baseball and Punk "Planet", why is it that US writers so blatantly and ignorantly happily conflate the idea of the USA with the world?

Save the cheerleader, save the world? No, save the cheerleader, save one American city.

Fuck, if your creative thinkers can't get it right, no wonder the rest of the population, and the president, struggles. Symptomatic of a well-ensconced indifference, right?

Or maybe I've missed something...I'm sure you'll let me know...

Disappointed to read that things deteriorate through series 2...
"Whenever the words 'art' and 'rock' have come together, I make my excuses and leave" - John Peel, 2004

TV show: Heroes

floog wrote:Something's been annoying me all along about this series, and I finally worked it out earlier this week (I'm slow, sorry chaps). Along the lines of "World" Series Baseball and Punk "Planet", why is it that US writers so blatantly and ignorantly happily conflate the idea of the USA with the world?

Save the cheerleader, save the world? No, save the cheerleader, save one American city.

Wait for the episode "Five Years Later," or something like that. Later in the season you'll see what future implications a nuclear explosion in NYC means for the rest of the world. I took it to mean that what happens to the USA in the wake of the explosion has disatrous consequences for the rest of the world in the future. So the explosion isn't what fucks up "the world;" rather, it's the event that sets things in motion to screw up the rest of the world. Think 9/11 and what effect that has had on Iraq, and by extention, any countries that have sent soldiers there, etc.

That being said, the American-centric-ness of the plot and tagline is noted. But hey, America's reach over the rest of the world is unfortunately pretty lengthy. USA! USA! USA!

Marsupialized wrote:Thank you so much for the pounding, it came in handy.

TV show: Heroes

DrAwkward wrote:That being said, the American-centric-ness of the plot and tagline is noted. But hey, America's reach over the rest of the world is unfortunately pretty lengthy. USA! USA! USA!

I don't mind the US-centricity - it's an American show after all, with American writers and actors, set in America! It's the world/America conflation that's troubling...but I like your explanation, so I guess I'll just have to be patient...
"Whenever the words 'art' and 'rock' have come together, I make my excuses and leave" - John Peel, 2004

TV show: Heroes

floog wrote:
DrAwkward wrote:That being said, the American-centric-ness of the plot and tagline is noted. But hey, America's reach over the rest of the world is unfortunately pretty lengthy. USA! USA! USA!

I don't mind the US-centricity - it's an American show after all, with American writers and actors, set in America! It's the world/America conflation that's troubling...but I like your explanation, so I guess I'll just have to be patient...

Yeah. If you've read Alan Moore's Watchmen, it's sort of a ripoff of that if you think about it. Which i think someone else mentioned earlier in this thread...

Marsupialized wrote:Thank you so much for the pounding, it came in handy.

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