Remembering Michael, Doug, and John (was: not again)

Wow, they covered the trial on Fox news as well. Very different angle. It came across as totally sympathetic to her, focused almost entirely on her and her defense, how she was having a tough time, how she had just been diagnosed a few months before with X, Y, and Z... They also refered to her as a "former model". WTF?
"The bastards have landed" - now has a couple songs from the new album

Remembering Michael, Doug, and John (was: not again)

iembalm wrote:
El Protoolio wrote:Chicago Tribune article on the start of the trial.

Pictures of the crash scene come up upon linking to the site, for anyone who might be sensitive to it.

I didn't notice that when I linked. Sorry to anyone who may have been upset. I only meant to inform and my deepest sympathies go out to the friends and families of these good people.
it's not the length, it's the gersch

Remembering Michael, Doug, and John (was: not again)

OK, briefly -

Yesterday, Tuesday Oct. 16. Court covered the final motions, the prosecution's opening statement, the Defense's opening statement.

The prosecution called advocate witnesses to the stand, one for each of the guys.

Next the prosecution called three witnesses who were on the scene prior or durning the crash.

Next they called three Skokie Fire Department personnel who were there and participated at the scene of the crash.

Finally, the prosecution called an accident investigator with the Skokie Police Dept. who went over the details of the crash specifics.

Court adjorned until Wed.

The full longform details are posted where they always are, or I should say 80% in two installments as I ended up taking 40 pages of notes.

The State continues with their case starting Wednesday, October 17th.

Start time 10 AMish. Room #206. Cook County Courhouse, Old Orchard Rd, Skokie IL
It's like you put everything into a bottle inside itself.

Remembering Michael, Doug, and John (was: not again)

Okay friends,

Apologies for being out of touch.

Wednesday's court brought us the State interviewing the Skokie police:

one Skokie PD evidence technician officer, who meticulously documented the scene and logged all evidence.

one Skokie PD detective, who participated in interviews of the Defendant directly after the crash.

the Skokie PD major crimes commander who managed at the scene and conducted interviews with the Defendant at the hospital directly after the crash.

When the State concluded with these witnesses it was early. I went home and crashed. Got up and participated in a last minute obligation, and by the time I got home it was late and I felt justified in decompressing with my lovely wife.

Today, Thursday:

The State continued with their remaining witnesses:

The ER trauma doctor who treated the Defendant directly after and in the days following the accident.

The County Medical Examiner.

The Crash Reconstruction Expert, who brought an animated reconstruction of the incident (for illustrative reference only) based solely on measurements and conditions documented directly after the crash.

After this the State rested.

The Defense presented their first witness, the Defendant's mother.

This, and the cross-examination ran long, so Judge Howard stopped the State's cross-examination at 5:30 PM, to resume on Monday.

No court Friday.

As of Thursday, I've taken approx. 100 pages of notes. Long form posting will recommence Friday, probably afternoon, probably in multiple parts.

Thank you all for your kind words, but please send your thoughts to the families and other friends.

For me, you can find your favorite record and listen to it immediately. Even if you just finished listening to it.

And enjoy it.

Today, in particular, was harsh and unflinching and relentless for everyone.

I have no idea when, or even if, the longform reporting will be made public.

I had tequila for lunch.

Defense's presention of their case continues Monday, October 22th.

Start time 10 AMish. Room #206. Cook County Courthouse, Old Orchard Rd, Skokie IL
It's like you put everything into a bottle inside itself.

Remembering Michael, Doug, and John (was: not again)

Today, in particular, was harsh and unflinching and relentless for everyone.

I have no idea when, or even if, the longform reporting will be made public.

I can only imagine how painful the last two days in the courtroom have been. It is enough for me (at least) to know that the prosecution is fairly representing the gravity of the case to the judge. The updates you have provided are both informative and appropriately restrained. Thank you, and my thoughts are with you and everyone involved in an emotionally exhausting week.

Remembering Michael, Doug, and John (was: not again)

Hey all,

Quick recap. Sorry for absence, but actually started going to work in the early AM this week, while also trying to type up the long version.

In short, as of today, the Defense has presented their last witness, in a list that included the Defendant's mother, a Defense-hired psychologist & psychiatrist set who both interviewed the Defendant minimum 8 months post-crash, the Defendant's first lawyer was also put on the stand.

The two defense doctors took an assload of time, bobbing and weaving and in general obfuscating circularly. I'm not even kidding with those words.

The State has also cross-examined each of those witnesses, and popped a couple more of their own witnesses up to testify - first, an ER nurse from St Francis hospital regarding the Defendant day of crash.

Today, after the Defense rested, the State called up some rebuttal witnesses. The first was an employee of a Skokie community crisis center who testified to the content of some crisis calls on July 10.

Next, the State has put on their forensic psychiatrist, assigned from a pool via the Chief Justice's office. The man is cool under fire, and linear and concise and logical.

The State ended their round with him today, and the Defense will pick up for cross-examination tomorrow morning. Next, it's the State's forensic psychologist, who could take the rest of the day.

But the psychologist is the final State witness, so barring any surprises, testimony should be done by end of day tomorrow, Friday Oct. 25.

There is also an outside chance that if everything goes smooth, we could be hearing closing arguments tomorrow but not likely. More likely on Monday Oct 29 with a decision from the judge following probably 24 hours later.

I'm going to sleep.

BTW, up to Wed. Oct 17 (long) posted at the regular spot. (it takes about 6-7 hours to process notes from one day.)

State finishes up their case (most likely) on Friday, October 25th.

Start time 10 AMish. Room #206. Cook County Courthouse, Old Orchard Rd, Skokie IL
It's like you put everything into a bottle inside itself.

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