New football season 2008-2009

Missive received from Nico Adie:

Nico Adie wrote:My computer is totally fucked (won't even switch on), so I'm typing this from the Pumpherston Public Library. It won't let me access the General Discussion forum on this very message board! [...] if you could post-by-proxy for me on the football thread about my delight at yet another Scottish victory I would be most grateful.

Whisky, haggis, heart diesease etc.

These happy Scots everywhere! Almost makes me forget how tediously dull England are.
Rick Reuben wrote:
daniel robert chapman wrote:I think he's gone to bed, Rick.
He went to bed about a decade ago, or whenever he sold his soul to the bankers and the elites.


New football season 2008-2009

simmo wrote:Missive received from Nico Adie:

Nico Adie wrote:My computer is totally fucked (won't even switch on), so I'm typing this from the Pumpherston Public Library. It won't let me access the General Discussion forum on this very message board! [...] if you could post-by-proxy for me on the football thread about my delight at yet another Scottish victory I would be most grateful.

Whisky, haggis, heart diesease etc.

These happy Scots everywhere! .

We haven't had the opportunity to be excited in footballing terms for a few years. Of course we have cornered the market in glorious failure and are expert in the art of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, so it won't be too much of a surprise if we fuck it up in the final two games. But there's always hope and belief and our form is good, so who knows? It's Georgia on Wednesday then Italy next month.

I lost my voice shouting at the telly in the pub.

New football season 2008-2009

chairman_hall wrote:I don't want to take anything away from our Scottish brothers, since they have played consistently well in this qualification campaign. But, aren't Scotland historically very good at qualifying for major tournaments, they have a better record then England in this respect (I think, off the top of my head)?

i don't know the stats but in the 70's and 80's we did quite well in comparison.

We've just put together a run of six wins. We haven't done that since 1949!

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