Let us see your pet.

This isn't my cat. This is my friend and bandmate Conan's cat.



He had a battle with cancer and lost, and was put to sleep this week.

I raise my cup to the awesome memories of this kitty and wish my friend the best. My condolences for the passing of the awesome kitty. Riffy had an great and spoiled life, and I know you will continue to provide such lives for more lucky cats.
Last edited by benadrian_Archive on Fri Oct 19, 2007 2:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Let us see your pet.

gse wrote:This is Scout. He actually died on the weekend. poisoned by a tick and a snake. Sad sad week

Hold on a sec, in Australia ticks and snakes have formed sophisticated alliances to poison other species? Sorry about your cat, but that freaks me out. Are ticks and snakes also poisoning people down under?
Charlie Don't Surf
jimmy spako wrote:You'd be a little fucked-up too if you had to go around all day stroking an aluminum beard.

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