
Rob (coco) is working a lot on biodiesel. so much, ive heard tell he's trying to work less and less and less at Zero Return.

Birdstuff plays drums for the Polyphonic Spree now.

We talked to Rob a few months ago, and he was pretty avoidant about all that, and made it pretty clear without being too direct that nothing was going to happen with Man or Astroman? again.

Somebody's doing something else with some other band or something, i dunno i wasnt paying attention.
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wiggins wrote:Rob (coco) is working a lot on biodiesel. so much, ive heard tell he's trying to work less and less and less at Zero Return.

Birdstuff plays drums for the Polyphonic Spree now.

We talked to Rob a few months ago, and he was pretty avoidant about all that, and made it pretty clear without being too direct that nothing was going to happen with Man or Astroman? again.

Somebody's doing something else with some other band or something, i dunno i wasnt paying attention.

Fuck, the Astro-clones should at least go on tour. I miss Astroman? a lot.


patrick md wrote:From what I heard from an Antlanta industry insider friend was that Birdstuff kind of went insane. He broke up with Shannon Wright and then cut off all ties with people he'd been friends with for years, including Rob.

By "broke up" do you mean professionally? Isn't/wasn't Brian married? Speaking of Shannon, she's doing two shows at the EARL Saturday - one piano, one guitar. I'm looking forward to that.

Johnny, MoA? were kinda fun on record but a blast live. Honestly, I don't think I would've been a fan of theirs if I never saw them before hearing their records. The act wore itself out, though. I'm surprised they lasted as long as they did.


I don't think their act wore out fast...they changed their sound and stage show (and band members) pretty frequnetly. I mean, it was always surfy, spcey stuff but they evolved quite a bit over the years. And their last record was really showed that they were capable musicians and not just a "live-only" freak show. I realize i'm in the seeming minority of people who really loves their recordins. That said, they were my favorite live band ever.

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